T.O. 31S5-4-308-1
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
lowest priority to highest, used by Processor
circuit, INFIBUS access circuit, data input
functions to transfer data under CPU control.
and selector circuit, data output and control
register circuit, and read/write control
status circuit. The TTY Controller, Modem
5 - 1 2 0 . Detail Analysis (see figure 6).
Controller 1, Printer Controller, and Modem
After power is applied to the Processor,
Controller 2 functions operate in a similar
RSET-N is received from the Bus Controller
manner. Therefore, the discussions sup-
alarm and INFIBUS timing circuit which
porting these functions have been combined
clears flip-flop FF3 and mask flip-flops
under the Serial I/O control group heading.
U71 (flip-flop FF2 shown typical). This
The Serial I/O control group functions con-
enables gates Gl, G4, G6, G11, G13 and
sist of the address recognition circuit,
G16. RSET-N also activates gate G42 which
INFIBUS access circuit, clock generator
generates SCRS-N which is routed to the Bus
circuit, control register circuit, data selec-
Controller alarm and INFIBUS timing circuit.
tor control circuit, and asynchronous data
SCRS-N also resets the interrupt level flip-
transfer control circuit. The Mag Tape Con-
flops U65 (flip-flop FF2 shown typical).
troller function consists of the address
The 1 output of FF3 (low) activates gates
recognition circuit, INFIBUS access circuit,
G19 and G43. The output of G19 disables
data input and selector circuit, data output
gates G2, G5, G7, G12, G14 and G17.
and control register circuit, and read/write
The output of G43, RNIR-P, is routed to the
control status circuit. The I/O Controller
Bus Controller alarm and INFIBUS timing
function consists of the clock circuit,
c i r c u i t . RNIR-P is also inverted by inverter
address recognition, done and reset circuit,
I8, generating INAR-N which is routed to
data circuit, interface circuit, and INFIBUS
the Bus Controller alarm and INFIBUS tim-
access circuit. The Program Maintenance
ing circuit.
Panel function consists of the address/data
switch identification, multiplexers, and
5 - 1 2 1 . When a Processor master module is
LED circuit, CPU register selection circuit,
requesting a DDT, SRLD-N (highest priority)
address multiplexer, bus driver receiver,
is generated on the INFIBUS. SRLD-N (wave-
and recognition circuit, data multiplexer
form A, figure 7) is received by the Bus
and bus driver receiver circuit, switch flip-
Controller service request selection and
flops and single action discriminator circuit,
interrupt circuit and inverter I2 inverts
miscellaneous control circuit, state gener-
SRLD-N activating gate G3. The output of
ation and micro-operations circuit, and
G3 is routed to the 1D3 input of the 4-bit
INFIBUS access circuit.
latch U43 and activates gate G9 which trig-
gers 4-bit latches U43 and U52. The 4-bit
latches U43 and US2 activate gate G10
which generates S11P-P (waveform B, figure
7) The 4-bit latch U43 also generates
5 - 1 1 9 . General. The Bus Controller ser-
RLDS-P. Inverter 16 inverts RLDS-P which
enables gate G22. The output of I6 also
vice request selection and interrupt circuit
allocates INFIBUS time to Processor func-
disables gates G23 and G25 and activates
gate G26. The output of G26 disables
tions for information transfers on a priority
gates G28, G30, G32, G36, and G38. At
b a s i s . It receives and services two direct
the same time, S11P-P enables gate G20
data transfer (DDT) requests a and four levels
of Interrupt requests. The lowest priority is
and delay DLl delays S11P-P by 20 nsec.
After the 20 nsec delay, G20) is activated
the DDT request used by the CPU to trans-
fer the stored software programs and data.
and its output is inverted by inverter I5
The highest priority is the DDT request used
which activates gate G21. The output of
G21 activates G22 which generates SELD-N
by Processor masters to transfer data direct-
ly to and from Processor functions. In
also activates gate G27 which generates
between are the level 1 through 4 Interrupts,
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