T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
are coupled through the sense amplifiers
read/restore mode reads information from the
which are enabled by SAS-P. The sense
core memory stack address and then returns
amplifiers outputs, SAOO-P through SA17-P
the same information to the same location
are coupled through the sense gates which
in the core memory stack. The read portion
are enabled by SAS1 -P and SAS2-P . The
of the cycle is initiated by the Processor
sense gates outputs, MDROO-P through
Core Memory Controller output signal
MDR17-P, are loaded into the data register
RD INIT-P going to logic 1 with the
by TDOX-P. DATA AVAIL-N now goes to
following conditions: WT INIT-P at
logic 0 indicating that the requested infor-
logic 0, RD ONLY-P at logic 0, and FULL
mation is available. Signals MDROO-P
CYC-P at logic 1. Under these conditions,
through MDR17-P now determine the level
timing and control logic signal AIX-P clocks
of DATA INHOO-P through DATA INH17-P.
address bits AIOO-P through AI15-P into the
The restore portion of the cycle is initiated
address registers. The outputs of address
when timing and control logic signal TINH-P
registers 00 through 12, MAROO-P through
is sent to the inhibit drivers, resulting in
the generation of inhibit current signals
MAR12-P, are applied to the address decod-
ing and switching circuits. Address bits
INHOO-N through INH17-N through the
AI13-P, AI14-P, and AI15-P are decoded by
cores in the core memory stack where a
the address registers 13, 14, and 15. The
logic 0 is to be restored. Write timing
outputs of the address registers 13, 14,
signals WTl-P and WT2-P are `now sent to
and 15, BSMOO-P through BSMO3-P, enable
the address decoding circuitry, resulting
the selected CM BSM. 50 nsec after AIX-P
in the generation of X and Y write currents,
as explained previously. Timing and con-
is generated MEM AVAIL-P goes low to
trol logic signal ME M AVAIL-P returns to
notify the Processor Core Memory Controller
logic 1 indicating that a new cycle may be
that the Core Memory is busy. RDR-P is
now generated which clears the data reg-
ister. The timing and control logic circuits
now generate PRE YRT-P and MRT-P which
cause the control and buffer logic circuits
to generate XRTl-P, XRT2-N, and YRT-N.
This causes the address decoding and
switching circuits and X and Y current
contain the detail logic diagram discussions
sources to generate the appropriate X read
for the Processor functions. The Bus Control-
currents, XCAO-P through XCA7-P and
ler function consists of the service request
XSOO-P through XS15-P, and Y read currents,
selection and interrupt circuits and alarm
YCAO-P through YCA7-P and YSOO-N through
and INFIBUS timing circuits. The CPU con-
YS07-N, as determined by MAROO-P through
sists of the sequence register and control
MAR12-P. The X read currents cause cur-
storage circuit, microcode register circuit,
rent flow through one of the 128 X lines
control circuit, receive register circuit,
from the X diode matrix and the Y read cur-
transmit register circuit, address register
rents cause current flow through one of the
c i r c u i t , arithmetic logic unit (ALU) input
64 Y lines from the Y diode matrix. At the
multiplexer circuit, ALU circuit, register
cores where these lines intersect, if a one
file circuit, carry and overflow circuit,
was stored, core turnover occurs. Where
emulation instruction register circuit. ad-
a core turnover occurs a pulse is coupled to
dress recognition circuit, INFIBUS access
the appropriate sense line, S-00 through
circuit, and central timing circuit. The
Core Memory Controller consists of the
command and page select circuit, address
5 - 1 1 5 . MSAS-P enables the data register to
transfer circuit, and data transfer circuit.
receive the output data, causes the control
The Autoload function consists of the con-
trol circuit, address recognition and ROM
and buffer logic circuits to generate SAS-P,
select circuit, INFIBUS access circuit, and
and causes the data register to generate
ROM and data circuit. The Parallel I/O
SASl-P and SAS2-P. Output signals S-00
function consists of the address recognition
through S-17 from the core memory stack
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