T.O. 31S5-4-308-1
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
the selected CM BSM. 50 nsec after AIX-P
5-110. With asynchronous cycle reinitiate,
is generated MEM AVAIL-P goes low to
the control signals may assume their appro-
notify the Processor Core Memory Control-
priate values prior to the end of a cycle in
ler that the Core Memory is busy. RDR-P
progress. The next cycle is then auto-
is now generated which clears the data reg-
matically initiated by the Core Memory
i s t e r . The timing and control logic circuits
when MEM AVAIL-P returns to logic 1.
now generate PRE YRT-P and MRT-P which
cause the control and buffer logic circuits
5 - 1 1 1 . In the clear/write mode zone con-
to generate XRTl-P, XRT2-N, and YRT-N.
trol signals, ZW1-P and ZW2-P, cause
This causes the address decoding and
byte operation of the Core Memory. In
switching circuits and X and Y current
the clear/write mode, if both ZW1-P and
sources to generate the appropriate X read
ZW2-P are logic 1, clear/write mode is
currents, XCA0-P through XCA7-P and
performed on the word. In the clear/
XSOO-P through XS15-P, and Y read currents,
write mode, if ZWl-P is logic 1 and
YCAO-P through YCA7-P and YS00-N through
ZW2-P is logic 0, a clear/write oper-
YS07-N, as determined by MAR00-P through
ation is performed on byte 1 (DI00-P
MAR12-P. The X read currents cause cur-
through DI08-P) and 1 read/restore
rent flow through one of the 128 X lines
operation is performed on byte 2
from the X diode matrix and the Y read cur-
(DI09-P through DI17-P). In the
rents cause current flow through one of the
clear/write mode, if ZWl-P is logic 0
64 Y lines from the Y diode matrix. At the
and ZW2-P is logic 1, a read/restore
cores where these lines intersect, if a one
operation is performed on byte 1 and a
was stored, core turnover occurs. Where a
clear/write operation is performed on
core turnover occurs a pulse is coupled to
byte 2.
the appropriate sense line, S-00 through
S-17, however, because the sense ampli-
5 - 1 1 2 . The two functional modes of
fiers are not enabled by SAS-P this data is
the Core Memory are described in the
not strobed through the sense amplifiers.
following paragraphs.
This clears the selected address within the
core memory stack. The write portion of
the cycle begins as the Processor Core
clear/write mode is used to store data
Memory Controller data input signals,
into the core memory stack without
DI00-P through DI17-P, are clocked into
refererce to the data already stored in
the data register by timing and control logic
the selected address. The core memory
signal DIX-P; Data inhibit signals DATA
stack location is first cleared then the
INH00-P through DATA INH17-P, from the
new data is written in. The clear portion
data register are strobed through the inhibit
is a read cycle but the data is not read
drivers by TINH-P. The inhibit drivers gen-
out. T h e cycle initiated by the Proces-
erate the inhibit signals, INH00-N through
sor Core Memory Controller signal WT
INH17-N, wherever a logic 0 is to be stored
INIT-P going to logic 1 with the following
in the core memory stack. Controlled by
conditions; RD INIT-P at logic 0, RD ONLY-P
timing and control logic signal MWT-P,
at logic 0, and FULL CYC-P at logic 1.
control and buffer logic circuit generates
Under these conditions, AIX-P is generated
signals WT1-P and WT2-P. This causes
which clocks address bits AI00-P through
the address decoding and switching circuits
AI15-P from the Processor Core Memory
and X and Y current sources to generate the
Controller into the address registers 00
appropriate X write currents, XCC0-N
through 15. The outputs of address reg-
through XCC7-N and XS00-P and XS15-P,
isters 00 through 12, MAR00-P through
and Y write currents, YCC0-N through
MAR12-P, are applied to the address de-
YCC7-N and YS00-P and YS07-P, a:; detcr-
coding and switching circuits. Address bits
mined by MAR00-P through MAR12-P. When
AI13-P, AI14-P, and AI15-P are decoded by
the data is written into the selected address,
the address registers 13, 14, and 15. The
MEM AVAIL-P returns to logic 1 indicating
outputs of the address registers 13, 14,
to the Processor Core Memory Controller
and 15, BSM00-P through BSM03-P, enable
that a new cycle may be initiated.
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