T.O. 31S5-4-308-1
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
function notifies Modem Controller 2 that
data is to be transferred, a programmed
data transfer (PDT) status bit is set in the
status register. When the CPU detects the
PDT status bit, the CPU jumps to a sub-
contain a functional block diagram discussion
of the Core Memory (figure 5). The Switch
routine which determines whether a write or
read operation is to be performed. If a
Group Core Memory contains 8 Core Mem-
ory Basic Storage Modules (CM BSM) and the
write operation is to be performed by the
ACOC Core Memory contains 8. CM BSM's,
CPU, the CPU places the data register
address on the INFIBUS address lines,
therefore, this discussion will discuss a
system with one CM BSM, unless applicable.
places the data on the INFIBUS data lines,
and generates RITE-N. The data is loaded
into Modem Controller 2 which then gener-
ates DONE-N to free the INFIBUS. Mode:.,
5-108. The Core Memory can operate in four
Controller 2 now converts the parallel input
modes: clear/write, read/restore, read/
data from the INFIBUS to serial data that is
m o d i f y / w r i t e , and read only. However, only
clocked to the VF Comm Link 2 function. If
the clear/write and read/restore modes are
a read operation is to be performed, the CPU
functional. The read/modify/write mode is
places only the data register address on the
not functional because FULL CYC-P is
INFIBUS address lines and the serial data
always 5 volts. T h e r e a d o n l y m o d e i s n o t
from the VF Comm Link 2 function which has
functional because RD ONLY-P is always
been converted to an 8-bit parallel byte is
In the clear/write mode all of the
0 volts.
strobed to the INFIBUS data lines. The
cores at the selected address are cleared
Modem Controller 2 then generates DONE-N
(returned to logic 0) and any data generated
to free the INFIBUS.
is not read out of the Core Memory. in
the read-restore mode the data is read out
5-103. If the level 2 interrupt is enabled
of the selected address and the same data is
returned to that address. In the read/modify/
by the control word in the control register,
write mode the data is read out of the
whenever the PDT status bit is set, a level
2 interrupt is generated, as explained pre-
selected address and new or revised data is
viously. The CPU then addresses the data
placed into that address of the Core Memory.
register and performs a read or write oper-
In the read only mode the data is read out
ation in the same manner as when the level
of the selected a d d r e s s a n d t h a t a d d r e s s i s
2 interrupt was disabled.
left cleared. The read only mode is not func-
tional in the Core Memory because RD
ONLY-P is tied to logic 0 in the Processor
Modem Controller 2 operates at
Core Memory Controller. The clear/write
1200 baud which is derived from the clock
and read/restore modes are known as full
signal, CLKA-N, from the INFIBUS.
cycle modes, The read/modify/write mode
is known as a split cycle because of the tlm-
ing pause before instructions are received by
The Program Maintenance Panel function
the Core Memory to per form the write operation.
Each of the two functional modes may use
enables an operator to manually enter ad-
dress, data, and control inputs to the
either synchronous or a asynchronous cycle
Processor. It allows the operator to read
from or write into (DDT) any addressable
area of the Processor and usually operates
as a master. It can also, under control of
5-109. With synchronous cycle reinitiate,
the stored software program, display on the
signal RD INIT-P or WT INIT-P from the
front panel various steps within the program
Processor Core Memory Controller to the
(operates as a slave). The Program Main-
CM MIA timing and control logic circuits
tenance Panel also generates a level 1
is returned to logic 0 before the end of the
interrupt when the attention (attn) switch
c y c l e . To initiate the next cycle, RD:
located on the front panel is depressed.
INIT-P or WT INIT-P goes to logic 1.
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