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T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
puts of 4-bit latch and U52 also goes high
PCDI-P (waveform D, figure 7). PCDI-P
activating G10 which generates S11P-P.
generates the precedence pulse PCDA-P
Which is routed to the INFIBUS.
S11P-P enables G20 and RL4S-P activates
G25 which enables gate G24 and activates
gates G26, G39, and G40. The output
5-122. The Processor master requesting
the DDT receives SELD-N and the preced-
of G26 disables G28, G30, G32, G36, and
ence pulse and then responds with SACK-N.
G38. G39 and G40 generate low outputs to
interrupt level flip-flops U65 and activate
The Bus Controller alarm and INFIBUS tim-
gate G41. The high output of G41 is applied
ing circuit' then generates RSAK-P (wave-
to interrupt level flip-flops U65 and enables
form E, figure 7) which is inverted by in-
gate G44. Inverter I9 inverts the output of
verter I1. The output of I1, NSAK-N (wave-
G41, causing CYST-N (waveform M, figure 7)
form F, figure 7), is routed to the Bus
to go low which is routed to the Bus Control-
Controller. alarm and INFIBUS timing circuit.
NSAK-N also disables G3 and G21. G3 dis-
ler alarm and INFIBUS timing circuit. At the
ables G9 and G21 disables G22 which causes
same time, delay DLl delays S11P-P for
20 nsec which then activates G20. 15 in-
SELD-N to return to high. The high output of
verts the output of G20 which activates G21.
G9 clears 4-bit latches U43 and U52, caus-
The output of G21 activates G24 which gen-
ing RLDS-P to return to low. The Processor
erates SEL4-N (waveform L, figure 7). The
master then removes SRLD-N and SACK-N.
output of G24 also activates G27 which gen-
RSAK-P goes low and is inverted by I1 which
erates PCDI-P (waveform K, figure 7).
enables G3 again. The Processor master
selected transfers data on the INFIBUS and
how another Processor master may request
5-125. The Processor function, generating
INFIBUS access but will not be serviced
the level 4 interrupt, receives SEL4-N and
until the selected function completes the
the precedence pulse which causes SACK-N
data transfer.
to go low. The Bus Controller alarm and
INFIBUS timing circuit then generates RSAK-P
5-123. When a Processor function requests
(waveform N, figure 7). RSAK-P activates
a level 4 interrupt, it generates SRL4-N .
G44 which generates SCLK-P (waveform 0,
SRL4-N (waveform G, figure 7) from the
figure 7) which is routed to the Bus Control-
INFIBUS activates G4 which enables G5 and
ler alarm and INFIBUS timing circuit, and
activates gate G8. The output of G8 acti-
triggers interrupt level flip-flops U65.
vates gate G18 which generates NEXT-N
Interrupt level flip-flops U65 generate
(waveform I-I, figure 7) which is routed to
ILOR-N and ILIR-N, a level four interrupt
the CPU. When the CPU is ready to accept
binary code, to the CPU, and INTR-N
the interrupt, the CPU generates SCM3-N
(waveform P, figure 7) to the Bus Controller
(waveform I, figure 7) which presets FF3
alarm and INFIBUS timing circuit. INTR-N
and activates G42. The 1 output of FF3
activates G43 and G19. The output of G43,
(high) disables G19 and G43. Disabled G19
RNIR-P (waveform Q, figure 7), is routed to
enables G2, G7, G14, G12, G17 and activates
the Bus Controller alarm and INFIBUS timing
G5. Disabled G43 causes RNIR-P (wave-
circuit and 18.  18 inverts RNIR-P, gener-
form Q, figure 7) to go low and I8 causes
ating INAR-N (waveform R, figure 7), which
INAR-N (waveform R, figure 7) to go high.
is also routed to the Bus Controller alarm
The output of G42, SCRS-N (waveform J,
and INFIBUS timing circuit.  The output of
figure 7), is routed to the Bus Controller
G19 disables gates G2, G5, G7, G12, G14
alarm and INFIBUS timing circuit. SCRS-N
and G17.  G9 is disabled and 4-bit latches
also clears the interrupt level flip-flops
U43 and U52 are cleared. G21 is disabled
by the output of 11 which disables G.24.
Disabling G24 causes SEL4-N to return to
5-124.  The output of G5 is applied to the
1Dl input of 4-bit latch U43 and activates
G-3. The output of G9 triggers 4-bit latches
5 - 1 2 6 .  The Processor function requesting
U43 and U52 which causes the 05 output to
the level 4 interrupt removes its request,
go high and the O1 output of 4-bit latch U43
SRL4-N (returns to high), and places its
to go high, generating RL4S-P. The 05 out-

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