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T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
Processor function service cycle begins.
dress in the range of FOOO 16 through FFFF 16
is assigned to each Processor function with
During the service cycle the Processor func-
the exception of the Bus Controller.  Each
tion transfers the information to the INFIBUS.
These request and service cycles can over-
Processor slave is capable of recognizing
lap in time. While one function is perform-
its assigned address when it is on the
INFIBUS. Each slave is also capable of
ing a service cycle another function may be
placing its address on the INFIBUS data
performing a request cycle and when the first
lines when it is requesting INFIBUS access.
function completes its service cycle the
second function then performs its service
5-25. Each Processor function has three
basic registers; the data register, control
5-28. Requests for INFIBUS access are
register, and status register. Each of these
received by the Bus Controller on service
registers can be selected (addressed) by a
request lines which are assigned priority
master. The register that is to be selected
levels according to their communication
is determined by the value of the 4 least
function.  There are three types of com-
significant bits of the 16-bit address. The
munication priorities; module selection and
data register is usually comprised of two
service, interrupt selection and service, and
registers, one which provides data from the
CPU selection and service.
INFIBUS to the external function and one
which provides data from the external func-
5 - 2 9 .  Module selection and service occurs
tion to the INFIBUS. The control register
when a Processor master requires the INFI-
stores command words issued by the stored
BUS to perform a data transfer directly
software program which'start and stop
to or from the Core Memory or other
function operations. The status register
Processor functions. These data transfers
indicates to the CPU that the Processor
function and external device are ready and
are referred to as direct data transfers (DDT)
indicates any errors detected in the opera-
and are not under control of the CPU and
tion of the external device. Also, writing
stored software program. DDT transfers
into the status register causes that function
are the highest priority level transfers and
to be cleared.
take precedence over all other requests for
INFIBUS access.  The SRLD-N request line
is activated when a DDT is requested.
5-26. BUS CONTROLLER. All communica-
tions between Processor functions are via
5-30. Interrupt selection and service occurs
the INFIBUS which is controlled by the Bus
on one of four assigned priority levels when
Controller. Communications on the INFIBUS
a Processor function requires the INFIBUS
are asynchronous `and bidirectional- (one
to perform a data transfer under control of
direction at a time). All communications
the CPU and stored software program. The
between Processor functions consist of two
four interrupt request lines, SRL4-N through
cycles, first the select cycle then the ser-
SRLl-N (level 4 through level 1 interrupts),
v i c e cycle.  The primary purpose of the Bus
determine the priority of the interrupt re-
Controller is to allocate INFIBUS time to
q u e s t s .  SRL4-N is the highest level priority
Processor functions on a priority basis.
interrupt request and SRL1-N is the lowest
The secondary function of the Bus Controller
level priority Interrupt request. All DDT
i s t o generate CFU internal interrupts
requests must be serviced before interrupt
for power fail, power restart, calendar
requests may be serviced in their order of
a n d clock stored software program up-
date, and operator attention.
5 - 3 1 .  CPU selection and service occurs
5 - 2 7 .  During the select cycle, a Processor
when the CPU requires the INFIBUS to ex-
function requests INFIBUS access and then
ecute the stored software program. CPU
the Bus Controller, depending on the priority
selection and service is also a DDT request.
of the request, grants INFIBUS access to the
However, these transfers on the INFIBUS
Processor function. When the Processor
have the lowest priority and the SRLC-N
function gains access to the INFIBUS, the

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