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T.O. 31S5-4-308-l
TM 11-5805-663-14-13
NAVELEX 0967-464-0010
serial output data to VF Comm Link 2. It
receives the control signals that
also converts serial input data from VF Comm
send or receive data.
Link 2 to parallel output data to the INFIBUS.
In addition, Modem Controller 2 generates
5 - 1 6 .  The Block Transfer Adapter controls
and receives control signals that allow it to
the Mag Tape Controller during direct data
send or receive data.
transfers.  A direct data transfer is a data
transfer directly to or from another Processor
5 - 2 1 . The Program
Maintenance Panel en-
function and IS not controlled by the CPU.
ables a programmer
to gain access to the
The Block Transfer Adapter enables the Mag
ape Controller to transfer blocks (1024
INFIBUS manually and
perform read or write
bytes) of data to and from the Formatter and
operations with the
Processor functions.
the Core Memory, to and from the Formatter
5 - 2 2 .  The INFIBUS receives a 40 msec
and RMR function, and from the Formatter to
clock signal and 9.6 KHZ power  fail
signal from  the PFD/Clock function.
The 40 msec clock signal is used to
5 - 1 7 .  The Mag Tape Controller interfaces
update the software calendar and
the Formatter with the INFIBUS. The Mag
clock program in the Core Memory.
Tape Controller transfers bidirectional
The 9.6 KHZ power fail signal causes
the Processor to shutdown in  an
parallel bytes of data between the INFIBUS
and Formatter and, under control of the
orderly sequence before the power
being applied to the Processor and
stored software program, initializes the
Core Memory is removed.
Formatter prior to data transfers.
5-23.  Master Processor functions can re-
5-18. The I/O Controller (Switch Group
quest INFIBUS access and, when granted
only) under control of the stored software
service, cause another Processor function
program determines whether the CCL, RSJ,
to receive or transmit data. The masters
or RMR function has access to the INFIBUS.
in the Processor are the CPU, Autoload,
When the I/O Controller grants INFIBUS
Block Transfer Adapter and Mag Tape Con-
access to the CCL function the usage,
troller, the I/O Controller when it is opera-
duration and count lead information is
ting with the CCL or RSJ functions, and the
coupled to the INFIBUS and then stored in
Program Maintenance Panel. Processor
Core Memory. When the I/O Controller
functions that can receive or transmit data
grants INFIBUS access to the RSJ function,
only when addressed are called slaves.
which occurs between CCL data transfers,
The slaves in the Processor are the Core
the RSJ data is coupled to the INFIBUS and
Memory Controller, Parallel I/O: TTY Con-
then stored in the Core Memory. When the
troller, Modem Controller 1, Mag Tape Con-
I/O Controller grants INFIBUS access to the
troller, I/O Controller (while operating with
RMR function the bidirection RMR data is
the RMR function), Printer Controller, and
coupled between the INFIBUS and AUTOVON
Modem Controller 2. A master can also
operate as a slave when addressed by
another master.
5 - 1 9 .  The Printer Controller (ACOC Group
only), interfaces the RO TTY function with
the INFIBUS and, under control of the stored
5 - 2 4 . Addresses are 16-bit hexadecimal
s o f t w a r e program, converts the
words placed on the INFIBUS by the master
parallel inputs from the INFIBUS to serial
to select the desired slave. Addresses in
outputs to the RO TTY function.  rhe Printer
the range of 000016 through OOFFI6 are used
Controller  also generates and receives con-
by the CPU while handling interrupts and to
trol signals that allow it to receive data.
vector to the appropriate subroutine in the
stored software program. This range of
addresses is referred to as the executive
5 - 2 0 .  Modem Controller 2 interfaces the VF
space of the Core Memory. Addresses
Comm. Link 2 with the INFIBUS and, under
from 0100 16 through DFFF 16 are assigned to
control of the stored software program, c o n -
the operating programs and data storage
vert s the parallel inputs from the INFIBUS to

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