TM 11-405-10
31. Scope of Operator's Maintenance
Operator's maintenance for the processing set consists
Maintenance procedure
of the following:
a. Preventive maintenance (par. 33).
essing set with an air syringe and lint-free
b. Troubleshooting
cloth. If necessary, clean metal components
performance checklist (par. 35).
with a lint-free cloth slightly moistened with
c. Replacement of defective lamps (par. 36).
Cleaning Compound.
Warning: Cleaning Compound is flammable
d. Checking electrical connections (par. 14).
and its fumes are toxic
Do not use near
32. Tools and Materials Required
a flame; provide adequate ventilation.
a. Tools.
Check the timers (continuous and interval) for
(1) Camel's-Hair Brush TL72.
accurate timing
Examine the controls
(2) Camel's-hair brush (SigC stock No.
and pointers for looseness.
Hand-tighten accessible screws, nuts, and bolts.
b. Materials.
Refer to item 2 above.
(1) Lint-free cloth.
For lubricating procedure for the enlarger, refer
(2) Lens tissue.
to its applicable technical manual listed in
(3) Cleaning Compound (Federal stock No.
(4) Lens cleaner (SigC stock No. 8A819).
34. Visual Inspection
33. Preventive Maintenance
a. Inspect the equipment carefully for loose or
missing nuts, bolts, and screws. Replace any that are
11-256 is a preventive maintenance check list to be used
missing, and hand-tighten any that are loose. Do not use
by the operator. Items not applicable to the equipment
excessive force.
are lined out. References in the ITEM block are to items
b. With a negative carrier in place in the enlarger,
in this paragraph that contain additional maintenance
turn the ON-OFF switch to ON to see that there are no
information pertinent to the item. Follow the instructions
light leaks through the bellows or lens board.
on page 1 of the form.
c. Check the roll-film tank and the cut-film tank to
b. Items.
The information given below
be sure that there are no light leaks and that the covers
supplements DA Form 11-256. The item numbers
fit securely.
correspond to the ITEM numbers on the form.
d. Check the negative and photographic print
processing components to be sure that they are in good
condition and do not require repair and/ or replacement.
Maintenance procedure
35. Equipment Performance Checklist
a. General.
This checklist is used to check
systematically the equipment performance. All corrective
Clean the projection lenses and the condenser
measures that the operator can perform are given in the
lens assemblies with a camel's-hair brush. If
corrective measures column. If the action taken by the
additional cleaning is required, use lens tissue;
operator does not correct the fault, additional
do not use water or household-type cleaning
maintenance is required by higher echelon personnel.
fluids. Clean all other components of the proc-
The operator should note on the repair tag how the
AGO 6894A
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