SB 740-95-20
Table 2-1. Initial Receipt Inspection (IRI) or
General Inspection Level II, and AQL of 4.0 percent for
Prestorage Inspection (PSI)
Major Defectives, and an AQL of 10.0 percent for Minor
c. Cyclical Inspection (CI). Sampling shall be
Category Number
conducted by this paragraph and MIL-STD-105 using the
None defined.
Inspection Level and AQL specified in appendix A or the
sampling instructions provided in the applicable appendix
Item damaged.
(TRC) of this bulletin for the item being sampled.
Packaging, packing, or
d. Pre-Issue Inspection (PII).
Sampling, if
preservation damaged
required, (see para 2-5d(2)) shall be conducted by c
or deteriorated to the
extent that adequate
e. Selection of Samples.
protection is no longer
(1) All portions of the lot must be located for
afforded to the item
or handling and
(2) Every reasonable effort must be made to
storing would be ad-
obtain a random sample. When conditions make a
versely affected.
proper random sampling impossible, record this fact and
Item packaging or pack-
a brief description of the condition that prevents random
ing contaminated,
sampling under the remarks section Part I, Block 20, of
wet, or mildewed as a
the DA Form 984, 1 Jun 80, Munitions Surveillance
result of adverse ship-
Report. See paragraph 2-9a(1), Part I (t), of this bulletin.
ping conditions.
(3) In selecting samples from depot lots,
Packaging, packing,
grand lots, or miscellaneous lots, choose the items to
marking, or preserva-
represent all materiel. For example, if a manufacture's
tion incorrect.
lot is one-third of the total lot, then select one-third of the
lot sample at random from that manufacturer's lot.
Slight damage to
Sample Disposition.
packaging, packing.
(1) In the inspection records, identify as
or preservation but
reinspected, all samples that have been inspected and
not affecting the pro-
then packed and resealed in barrier material.
(2) Reseal barrier material using the
instructions furnished with the material, on the material,
(3) Reporting. Use DA Form 984 and the
or with the sealing iron.
instructions in paragraph 2-9. In addition, report failure
(3) Return serviceable samples to storage
data and discrepancies encountered on SF 368 (Quality
with the parent lot.
Deficiency Report), in accordance with AR 702-7. See
(4) Segregate samples with critical or major
defects or samples that cannot be returned to the original
b. Prestorage Inspection (PSI).
package configuration and report such in the remarks
(1) Frequency. Perform this inspection on
section, Part II, Block 13, of DA Form 984, 1 Jun 80,
an occurrence basis.
Munitions Surveillance Report. See paragraph 2-9a(1),
(2) Examination and test.
When the
Part II (h) of this bulletin.
serviceability status is unknown, perform the examination
2-5. Inspection. Conduct all inspections and tests
and test of the item by appendix A instructions, including
under the control of a qualified inspector (see para 1-
any applicable appendix (TRC) of this bulletin. Examine
3b(12)). The inspections and tests normally will be
all lots for receipt condition using table 2-1.
conducted at the surveillance inspection area; however,
(3) Reporting. Use DA Form 984 and the
when authorized, examinations or tests may be
instructions in paragraph 2-9.
performed at the storage site or elsewhere, but must be
c. Cyclical Inspection (CI).
within the limitations of all safety and security
(1) Frequency. The inspection frequencies
for given types of storage and given types of packing
a. Initial Receipt Inspection (IRI).
based on the Army Master Data File (AMDF) are
(1) Frequency. Perform this inspection on
contained in appendix B by the IFC (see para 2-6e).
(2) Examination and test.
Perform the
(2) Classification of defects. Use table 2-1 to
examinations and tests of the item by appendix A
evaluate the incoming materiel.
instructions including any applicable appendix (TRC) of
this bulletin.
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