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SB 740-95-20
unknown. However, when new procurement is involved,
transaction, regrouping and marking of the materiel is
base serviceability on acceptance inspection, not on
not required.  A miscellaneous lot may be declared
unserviceable as a w hole. The miscellaneous lot must
c.  Grand Lot. A grand lot is formed by combining
meet criteria as follows:
(1) Kind, type, and model. All items must be
all lots from one manufacturer into a large single lot.
of the same kind, type, and model.
Actual formation is a paper transaction, regrouping and
(2) Manufacturer.
Each small lot or lot
marking of the materiel is not required. A grand lot, as
such, cannot be declared unserviceable. When, through
fragment must be the product of the same manufacturer
surveillance, a lot within the grand  lot  appears
or reconditioning agency.
(3) Packaging, packing, and preservation. All
unserviceable, withdraw the lot concerned and take
additional samples by the sampling plan provided in this
items must have the same type packaging, packing,
bulletin. If the suspect lot is found serviceable, it remains
marking, and preservation.
a part of the grand lot.  If the suspect lot is found
(4) Storage. All items must be stored under
unserviceable, the lot is eligible for rework or disposal in
similar conditions at the same depot.
accordance with existing regulations. When 20 percent
(5) Serviceability status.
All items must
of  the  lots  within  the  grand  lot  have  become
possess the same serviceability status, i.e., serviceability
unserviceable, the grand lot shall be dissolved and the
known (based upon prior surveillance) or serviceability
individual lots therein tested on a lot-by-lot basis.  A
unknown. However, when new procurement is involved,
grand lot must meet criteria as follows:
base serviceability on acceptance inspection not on
(1) Kind, type, and model. All lots must be the
same kind, type, and model.
f.  Mixed Lot. A mixed lot is formed by combining
(2) Manufacture. All lots must be the product
those items with incomplete identification into one lot.
of the same manufacturer or reconditioning agency.
The size of the mixed lot is restricted by the applicable
(3) Packaging, packing, and preservation. All
appendix of this bulletin. Actual formation of the lot is a
lots must have the same type packaging, packing,
paper transaction, regrouping and marking of the
marking, and preservation.
materiel is not required. A mixed lot may be declared
(4) Storage.  All lots must be stored under
unserviceable as a whole.  The mixed lot must meet
similar conditions at the same depot.
criteria as follows:
(5) Serviceability  status.
(1) Kind, type. and model. All items must be
All  lots  must
possess the same serviceability status, i.e., serviceability
of the same kind, type, and model.
(2) Packaging. packing, and preservation. All
known (based upon prior surveillance) or serviceability
unknown. However, when new procurement is involved,
items must have the same type packaging, packing, and
base serviceability on acceptance inspection not on
(3) Storage. All items must be stored under
d. Manufacturer's Lot.
A manufacturer's lot
similar conditions at the same depot.
consists of those items manufactured or assembled by
one manufacturer or reconditioning activity and bearing
2-4. Sampling. Perform sampling for shelf-life items
the same manufacturer's or reconditioning agency's lot
by the instructions in this paragraph and in the applicable
identification number. The manufacturer's lot must meet
appendixes of this bulletin.  The sampling instructions
criteria as follows:
that follow are designed to fit the peculiarities of this
(1) Packaging, packing, and preservation. All
group of items.
In some instances, because of
items must have the same type packaging, packing,
configuration, short shelf life, or past quality history,
marking, and preservation.
special sampling may be designed for an item within a
(2) Storage. All items must be stored under
similar conditions at the same depot.
a. Initial Receipt Inspection (IRI). Sampling shall
(3) Serviceability status.
All items must
be conducted in accordance with this paragraph and
possess the same serviceability status, i.e., serviceability
MIL-STD-105  General  Inspection  Level  II,  and
known (based upon prior surveillance) or serviceability
Acceptance Quality Level (AQL) of 4.0 percent for Major
unknown. However, when new procurement is involved,
Defectives and 10.0 percent for Minor Defectives.
base serviceability on acceptance inspection not on
b. Prestorage Inspection (PSI).  Sampling shall
be conducted by this paragraph and MIL-STD-105,
e. Miscellaneous Lot.  A miscellaneous lot is
formed by combining a single manufacturer's small lots
or lot fragments into one lot. The size of miscellaneous
lots is restricted by the applicable appendix of this
Actual formation of the lot is a paper

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