for excavating or heavy dozing of undisturbed soils. Its
After engine has been properly warmed up and all service
proper function is in leveling off irregularities in grade left
checks, completed, raise dozer to traveling position by
by the earth-moving equipment and leveling piles of
pulling back dozer control lever to UP position. Place
dumped fill material. The operator should level the fill at a
transmission forward-reverse control lever in desired posi-
constant speed, making it easier to achieve uniform
tion, 'F' forward or 'R' reverse, and place trans- mission
compaction. The type of fill will deter- mine the speed at
speed control lever in first '1' gear and apply throttle.
which it is spread. Sandy soil, for example, can be laid
down at a faster rate than clay. Speed is also an important
Gradually build up speed, shifting into a higher gear as
factor in the compaction process. Higher speeds result in
required. The machine is equipped with a power shift
higher impact forces and thus, greater compaction
transmission which means that the operator is able to shift
densities are achieved.
to a higher speed range without slowing down. When
rolling resistance is high or the machine is climbing an
In order to operate machine at maximum efficiency,
incline, a lower gear will often produce a higher speed. The
maintain engine RPM above 2000, with transmission in
operator will be aware of this if he notices a slowing down
appropriate gear. Observe gauges frequently during
after shifting to a higher gear.
machine operation. Refer to INSTRUMENTS AND
CONTROLS for normal gauge readings. Do not operate
The dozer blade on the K300 should not be used
machine if gauges are not functioning properly.
It is important to idle an engine for 3 to 5 minutes before Put gear levers in neutral position, lower blade and set
shutting it down to allow lubricating oil and water to carry parking brake.
heat away from engine components. Residual heat is very
often the cause of engine damage. After idling the engine In cold weather, care should be taken to avoid freezing
to reduce extreme temperatures, turn the ignition switch to machine in mud, dirt or snow. If wheels are not properly
cleaned, built up material may harden and damage cleaner
the OFF position.
teeth when machine is moved.
Rev. 760501
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