If machine is to be stored for any period or indefinite length
of time (MAXIMUM 6 months), perform the following
service functions.
1. Store machine in dry area with wheels on blocks
and blade lowered onto blocks. Put gear levers in neutral
2. Steam clean entire machine, paying special
attention to engine and wheels. If wheels are not properly
cleaned, built-up material may harden and result in broken
cleaner teeth.
3. Complete full maintenance checks. Include
checking all fluid levels, coolant anti- freeze protection,
4. Drain any water from fuel system. Fill fuel tank to
Protecting Dozer Cylinder Rod
avoid formation of condensation.
5. Operate engine until thoroughly warm. Stop
engine, shut fuel tank drain cock and disconnect fuel lines
to engine fuel filter and injector drain line. Fill two
To prepare a stored machine for service:
containers, one with diesel fuel (refer to LUBRICANTS
1. Clean any accumulated dirt from exterior of
SPECIFICATION CHART) and a second with preservative
engine. Remove covers and tape.
oil US Military Spec MIL-L 644 Type P9. Pre- servative Oil
2. Use suitable cleaner to remove rust preventive
to this specification is Daubert Chemical Co., Nox-Rust No.
compound from engine and machine surfaces.
518 or equivalent.
3. Change engine oil and filter.
Start engine with fuel line to filter using diesel fuel with
4. Flush and refill cooling system. Use a suitable
injector drainline flowing into same container. After engine
antifreeze with rust inhibitor added if required. Do not use
is running smoothly, switch fuel line to container with
antifreeze with antileak additives.
preservative oil. Operate engine for five to ten minutes on
5. Re-install and reconnect batteries.
preservative oil, then stop engine and reconnect fuel lines.
6. Complete full maintenance checks. Include
Brush or spray rust preventive compound conforming to
checking all fluid levels, grease all fittings and lubricate all
Type P-2, Grade 1 or 2, US Military Spec MIL-C-16173C
on all exposed, unpainted engine surfaces.
7. Bleed fuel system. Open fuel tank drain cock.
Spray lubricating oil into intake manifold while cranking
8. Release handbrake. Start engine and warm up as
engine slowly.
recommended (refer to PRESTART AND STARTING
Cover all engine openings with heavy paper and tape.
Bar engine crankshaft two or three revolutions each three
or four weeks.
6. Set parking brake.
7. Remove batteries; store in warm place and
recharge every 6 months.
8. Brush or spray rust preventive compound on
chrome and polished surfaces - gauges, cylinder rods, etc.
9. Remove key and close starter switch protector cap.
Cover seat and entire operator station with tarp if available.
10. Tag machine as "IN STORAGE" and include date.
Rev. 760501
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