![]() the production of the axle assemblies
NoSPIN Differential
covered by this manual. A table of
Check splines on the side gear and driven clutch.
proper torque values for both Grade 5
Remove any burrs or small chipped edges with stone or
and Grade 8 hardware is provided at the
burr grinder. If large sections of spline are broken away,
rear of this manual. Grade of hardware
replace part. Check side gear hub for fractures.
may be determined by the "hash" marks
New springs will measure 4 1/4 inch or more in
contained on the head of each bolt;
height. Old springs should not be less than 4 1/4 inch
Grade S having three hash marks and
Grade 8 having six hash marks as
Failure of hydrogen copper weld between cam
indicated below. In all cases except
and clutch member will result in erratic operation by
where specified in text, use torque value
alternately driving on one side only or driving both
specified in table for applicable bolts.
wheels with the NoSPIN locked. If weld failure has
occurred, it will be possible to rotate cam ring in driven
clutch member by lightly tapping cams.
Inspect driven clutch teeth on spider and driven
dutches. Very slight chips can be touched up with a
stone. If excessively chipped or rounded, these parts
Reassembly of Pinion Shaft
must be replaced. Compare shape of teeth with those
1. Press inner pinion bearing on pinion using steel
on a new port. If a part is replaced due to chipped teeth,
tubing for driver (Fig. 88). Driver dimensions are given
always replace the mating part as it may have invisible
in Fig. 89.
Cams on the center cam and driven clutch must
not be excessively chipped. A smooth wear pattern up
to 50 percent face width is acceptable on clutch cams.
Holdout rings have a frictional resistance to
or severe chipping of cams on this part.
Friction spring wear should not exceed .003 inch
at points of contact. Compare with measurement at
unworn portion. If extreme care is not exercised in
removing this part, It may be damaged. Replace with
new part if, after assembly, the holdout ring rotates
easily. It should, how- ever, be possible to rotate it by
hand. Compare with a new port.
Center cam must be free to rotate within limits of
keys in spider.
Check the spring retainers for fractures or spline
Wash breather on axle housing with solvent shake
dry. Make sure breather is not clogged.
The following instructions describe the procedure to be
followed when reassembling and installing components
of axle. Instructions cover reassembly of only one side
of axle. Reassembly of opposite group is identical
unless otherwise noted.
IMPORTANT: Both Grade 5 and Grade
8 fastening hardware have been used in
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