![]() If linings are worn to within 1/16" of retaining bolts or
Oil Seals, Gaskets and Retaining Rings
otherwise damaged, replace brake linings.
Replacement of spring loaded oil seals, gaskets
Check cam shaft brake spider bushings and brake
and snap rings is more economical when unit is
chamber bracket bushings for wear, cracks, distortion,
disassembled han to risk premature overhaul to replace
or other damage. If inside diameter is worn beyond
these parts at a future time. Loss of lubricant through a
dimensions indicated in Brake Wear Limits Chart,
worn seal may result in failure of other more expensive
replace bushings.
parts of the assembly. Sealing members should be
Inspect brake drums for cracks, heat checks,
handled carefully, particularly when being installed.
scoring, or other damage. Turn down on lathe if
Cutting, scratching, or curling under of lip of seal
If drum diameter exceeds dimensions
seriously impairs its efficiency. At reassembly, lubricate
indicated in Brake Wear Limits Chart, replace drum.
lips of oil seals with Lubriplate.
Replace brake shoe return springs each time axle
is overhauled.
Gears and Shafts
If magna-flux process is available, use process to
check parts. Examine teeth and ground and polished
surfaces on all gears and shafts carefully for wear,
pitting, chipping, nicks, cracks or scores. If gear teeth
16 x 6
are cracked or show spots where case hardening is worn
through, replace with new gear. Small nicks may be
removed with suitable hone. Inspect shafts to make
Anchor Pins-O. D
certain they are not sprung, bent, or splines twisted, and
Broke Drum-Max. Rebore
that shafts are true. Differential pinions and side gears
Broke Shoe Bushings-I. D
must be replaced as sets. Differential ring gear and
Camshaft Bushings-I. D
bevel pinion must also be replaced as a set if either is
Camshaft-O. D
Cam Roller-I. D
Cam Roller Pin-O. D
Housing and Covers
Inspect housing, covers and planet spider, and
Parking Brake
differential case to be certain they are thoroughly
Inspect brake backing plate for distortion. Check
cleaned and that mating surfaces, bearing bores, etc.,
that cam levers on backing plate swivel freely, but that
are free from nicks or burrs. Check all parts carefully for
mounting rivets are firmly seated in plate. Replace
evidence of cracks or conditions which would cause
backing plate if damaged or if cam levers are loosely
subsequent oil leaks or failures.
Inspect brake linings for grease saturation, wear,
Service Brakes
or looseness. Replace if worn to less than 5/32 inch.
Inspect anchor pins for wear or damage. If they
Rivet new brake linings to shoes following sequences
are worn beyond dimensions indicated in Brake Wear
indicated in Fig. 87.
Limits Chart, or if they are pitted, scored or deeply
nicked, replace anchor pins.
Check brake shoe bushings for wear. If inside diameter
exceeds dimensions indicated in Brake Wear Limits
Chart, replace bushings.
Check cam roller for wear and distortion. If inner
diameter is worn beyond dimensions indicated in Brake
Wear Limits Chart, or if outer diameter has flat spot
more than 1/4 inch wide extending across roller, replace
rollers. Check cam roller pins for wear and corrosion. If
worn beyond dimensions indicated in Brake Wear Limits
Chart, or if pitted, scored, or deeply nicked, replace cam
roller pins.
Inspect brake drums for cracks, heat checks,
Inspect cam shafts for wear or corrosion of
scoring, or other damage. Turn down on lathe if
bearing surfaces. If worn beyond dimensions indicated
necessary. If drum diameter exceeds 13.340 inches,
in Brake Wear Limits Chart, or if bearing surfaces are
replace drum.
pitted, scored, or deeply nicked, replace cam shafts.
Check brake linings for wear, cracks, and oil saturation.
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