![]() 4. Press inner bearing from pinion assembly (Fig. 85).
5. If worn or damaged, drive bearing cups from pinion
bearing cage (Fig. 86).
water to re- move all traces of alkali. Cast parts may
also be cleaned with steam cleaner.
Clean all parts thoroughly using solvent type
cleaning fluid.
It is recommended that parts be
CAUTION: Care should be exercised to avoid skin
immersed in cleaning fluid and slushed up and down
rashes and inhalation of vapors when using alkali
slowly until all old lubricant and foreign material is
dissolved and parts are thoroughly cleaned.
CAUTION: Care should be exercised to avoid skin
Thoroughly dry all parts cleaned immediately by
rashes, fire hazards and inhalation of vapors when using
using moisture-free compressed air or soft, lintless
absorbent wiping rags free of abrasive materials such as
solvent type cleaners.
metal filings, contaminated oil or laping compound.
Brake Shoes and Brake Bands
Remove bearings from cleaning fluid and strike
Do not use solvents or cleaning fluids on brake
larger side of cone flit against a block of wood to
shoes and linings. Thoroughly clean them with wire
dislodge solidified particles of lubricant. Immerse again
in cleaning fluid to flush out particles. Repeat above
operation until bearings are thoroughly clean. Dry
bearings using moisture-free compressed air.
careful to direct air stream across bearing to avoid
The importance of careful and thorough inspection
spinning. Do not spin bearings when drying. Bearings
of all parts cannot be overstressed. Replacement of all
may be rotated slowly by hand to facilitate drying
parts showing indication of wear or stress will eliminate
costly and avoidable failures at a later date.
Clean interior and exterior of housings, bearing
Carefully inspect all rollers, cages and cups for
caps, etc., thoroughly. Cast parts may be cleaned in hot
wear, chipping or nicks to determine fitness of bearings
solution tanks with mild alkali solutions providing these
for further use. Do not replace a bearing cone or cup
parts do not have ground or polished surfaces. Parts
individually without replacing the mating cup or cone at
should remain in solution long enough to be thoroughly
the same time. After inspection, dip bearings in clean
cleaned and heated. This Will aid the evaporation of
light oil and wrap in clean lintless cloth or paper to
the clean- ing solution and rinse water. Parts cleaned in
protect them until installed.
solution tanks must be thoroughly rinsed with clean
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