TM 5-3835-222-BD
Repeat the marking procedure on the other end of the tubing to be swaged.
f. Slide permaswage fitting(s) all the way onto the undamaged tube ends.
g. Position the replacement section between the cut ends of undamaged tubing and slide
pemaswage fittings over the gaps between tube ends.
h. Make sure insertion marks are visible on either side of the fitting. Also, rotate the fitting and
replacement section until the long-axis marking aligns on the undamaged tube end.
i. Secure the nut of the end fitting "finger tight" to the adapter.
j. Position the permaswage tool to one side of the fitting and swage. Swage the other side of the
k. if a replacement section is used, repeat Steps h and i.
I. install the tube with adjustable wrenches.
m. Check that the hydraulic reservoir level is at least at the minimum operating level. if this level is low,
refer to para 8-13 and fill the reservoir as needed.
n. Operate ail hydraulic subsystems (except those that may still be damaged) to remove air from the
system. Check carefully for fluid leaks. Tighten leaking fittings.
o. Check the hydraulic reservoir again to ensure a sufficient hydraulic fluid level. if this level is low,
refer to para 8-13 and fill the reservoir as needed.
p. Record the BDAR action taken. When the mission is completed, as soon as practicable,
repair using standard maintenance procedures.
8-7.3. High-Pressure Tube Repair - Using Hose Section Replacement.
High-pressure hose must be used for high-pressure repairs.
Personnel/Time Required:
1 soldier - 1.5 hrs.
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