TM 5-3835-222-BD
cannibalized from other equipment, or the damaged pulley may be welded or wedged into position.
A spacer, bolt and two flat washers can be used as an improved pulley to guide the cable.
3-20. Cable, Mechanical, Broken. Cables may break causing a system to become inoperative.
Cables may be repaired by splicing. When replacement cable is not available, prepare cable for
splicing as follows:
Personnel/Time Required:
1 soldier - 1.0 - 2.0 hrs.
Nicropress Sleeves And Installation Tool Or Cable Clamp
Vise Grips
Cable (appendix C, section II item 8)
Other Options:
Damaged cable may be replaced with braided wire, commo wire, 5 to 7 strands, or rope where
the cable function will permit.
Procedural Steps:
a. Loosen the cable.
b. Select a length where the cable splices will not restrict the range of cable travel and splice
cable using one of the methods shown.
Make a loop at the end of one cable, thread the other cable end through the loop, and
make another loop. Secure both loops as shown.
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