![]() TM 32-5865-069-24&P
Use insulated sleeving (0.125 ID HTSK CLR) on these connections.
(7) Solder the connections removed in step c.(4) to the replacement
(8) Connect the coaxial cables and torque the connector to 8 inch-pounds.
(9) Secure the top plate to the threaded spacers using the hardware
retained in step c.(1).
(10) Test the assembly using AN/USM-410 to verify repair.
of faulty or damaged components. Refer to NAVTORPSTA REPORT 1347, Guide Manual
for Repair of Electronic Modules, for component replacement procedures.
Repairs may be accomplished by replacing defective filters FL1, FL2. Installation
procedures for the component parts are described in para 5-12.1. Refer to
figure 5-16 for parts identification.
following steps:
a. Access components as follows;
(1) Use solder wick or suction to remove the solder fillet.
(2) Separate the cap from the case to the extent of the service loop.
(3) Unsolder the wire connecting the telephone jack to the ground
(4) Unsolder the two wires which connect the tip and ring of the jack to
FL1 and FL2 respectively.
b. To install a replacement filter, FL1 or FL2, proceed as follows:
(1) Remove the jam nut securing the filter to the case.
(2) Remove the filter from the case.
(3) Position a serviceable filter in the case and secure with the jam
c. Reassemble as follows:
(1) Rewire the assembly as described in table 5-13. Allow a minimum
service loop.
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