![]() TM 32-5865-069-24&P
Section I.
SCOPE. This technical manual provides organizational, direct support and
general support maintenance information for the Processor, Signal Data MX-10214/
MLQ-34 (shown in figure l-l), referred to herein as the RSPU. A functional
description of the RSPU and its circuit card assemblies/modules is provided.
Referenced publications are listed in Appendix A. Appendix B contains the Main-
tenance Allocation Chart (MAC). The Repair Parts and Special Tools List (RPSTL)
is provided in Appendix C. Appendix D is a list of expendable supplies and mate-
rials. Non-standard terms and abbreviations are defined in the Glossary. An
Index is provided. Operating instructions for the RSPU are provided in
TM 32-5865-060-10, Countermeasures Set, Special Purpose AN/MLQ-34 (System Opera-
tor's Manual).
1-2. MAINTENANCE FORMS AND RECORDS. Department of the Army forms and procedures
used for equipment maintenance will be those prescribed by TM 38-750, The Army
Maintenance Management System (TAMMS).
ing Army materiel are described in TM 750-244-2, Procedures for Destruction of
Army Materiel to Prevent Enemy Use (Electronics Command).
described in TM 740-90-1, Administration Storage.
Not applicable.
pared using SF 368, Quality Deficiency Report (QDR). Instructions for preparing
EIR's are provided in TM 38-750, TAMMS. EIR's should be mailed directly to
Commander, U.S. Army Electronic Materiel Readiness Activity, ATTN: SELEM-ME-F,
Vint Hill Farms Station, Warrenton, Va. 22186. A reply will be furnished directly
to you.
REPORTING OF ERRORS. The reporting of errors, omissions, and recommen-
dations for improving this publication by the individual user is encouraged.
Reports should be submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications)
and forwarded direct to; Commander, U.S. Army Electronics Materiel Readiness
Activity, ATTN: SELEM-ME-E, Vint Hill Farms Station, Warrenton, VA 22186.
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