![]() TM 32-5811-024-14&P
6-5. Troubleshooting Procedures.
High voltage is used in the operation of this equipment. Avoid contacting high-voltage
connections when installing or operating this equipment. Injury or death may result if personnel
fail to observe safety precautions.
In the event of a digital processor test set failure see figure FO-18 to verify proper power supply operation. After
proper operation is verified, see table 6-1 to determine the appropriate test procedures to be performed. See figure 6-1
for digital process test set and logic probe test setups. All test equipment connections are specified in text. To use the
troubleshooting flowcharts, proceed as follows:
a. See FO-18 flowchart, begin at START then perform the steps indicated.
b. Where the flowchart indicates that a CCA should be tested or repaired on the 4800 automatic digital test set,
proceed as follows:
(1) Find applicable test program procedures in TB 32-5811019-34 and test CCA on 4800 automatic digital test
(2) If CCA passes test, reinstall and proceed to next step on troubleshooting flowchart.
(3) If CCA fails, proceed as follows:
(a) Refer to maintenance allocation chart in appendix B to determine whether CCA is to be repaired at
intermediate or depot level.
(b) If CCA is repaired at the intermediate level, troubleshoot using 4800 Automatic digital test set repair,
and reinstall in unit.
(c) If CCA is repaired at depot level, return CCA to depot and replace.
(d) After replacing CCA, see figure FO-18 and begin at START, performing steps indicated.
c. Proper operation of the unit is verified upon completion of flowchart procedures.
CMOS components can be damaged by static discharge. When handling hardware containing
CMOS do not touch connect pins and component leads unless properly grounded. During test
and repair of circuitry containing CMOS use the static grounding kit (Mk-1962/TSQ Maintenance
Kit) and ionized blower.
Change 2 6-4
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