![]() TM 11-6625-922-15
by the DELAY ZERO ADJ front panel control.
circuit provides an analog delay output which is a dc
g. Input Amplifier and Demodulator A6 (fig. 9-16).
level that varies directly with the delay reading in the
The input to this circuit is a modulated sine wave. The
instrument. When an external marker input is applied, a
output is a full-wave rectified sine wave with the
series of pips is superimposed on this dc level whenever
envelope of the peaks following the low-frequency
the frequency input approaches and passes the
modulating sine wave. Amplifiers A1 and A2 are
frequency of the external marker input. The frequency
integrated circuit dc amplifiers. Resistor R1 is the input
input is a square wave, and the analog frequency output
resistor, and resistor R3 is the feedback resistor for Al.
is a dc level proportional to the logarithm of the input
The stage has an overall gain of 31.6 (R3/R1). Most of
frequency. Both outputs become more positive as the
the other passive components connected to the
analogous parameter increases. Transistors Q1 and Q3
integrated circuit are used for frequency compensation.
are a Darlington amplifier, the output of which feeds
Amplifier A2 has resistor R7 and variable resistor R9 in
push-pull switch Q4, Q5 to produce a square wave at
the feedback loop. Transistor Q2 is a current source for
TP1. The external marker input applied through emitter-
the differential amplifier, full-wave demodulator Q1 and
follower Q6 is used as the supply voltage in mixer Q7,
Q3. The output signal from A2 is applied to bridge
Q8. These two transistors are operated in the inverted
diode CR2 through CR5 to start turning Q1 on during the
mode, and alternately switched on and off by the input
positive half cycle and to start turning Q3 off during the
signal. The mixed signal appears at TP2, and is then
negative half cycle, causing the full-wave demodulation.
sent through emitter-follower Q12 to a two-section, low-
Transistor Q4 is an emitter follower. Transistor Q5 is an
pass filter, R38, C16 and R39, C18. This ac signal is
emitter follower for the complete signal from the output
added to the filtered delay pulse input signal (filtered by
of A2 before being applied to the meter circuitry.
R45 and C20) at the input of emitter-follower Q15. The
frequency input is also applied to emitter-follower Q2,
and then to the diode-capacitor-resistor network. The
amplifier, and a meter driving amplifier. It also provides
capacitor values differ by factors of 10, to stagger the
a dc analog output proportional to the meter indication.
log characteristics of the diodes and to produce a four
The input modulated signal is applied to emitter-follower
decade dynamic frequency range. The log voltage thus
Q1, then routed through a variable resistor (front panel
generated is fed to feedback amplifier Q9 through Q13.
TRANSMIT LEVEL DBM control) for attenuation. The
signal is sent to the integrated circuit amplifier A1, which
the DELAY meter, which gives a direct indication of the
with output driver stage Q4, Q5, feedback resistors R26
phase difference (or difference in time) between a
and R9, and input resistor R6, gives an overall gain of
reference timing signal and the demodulated input
approximately 32. Stages Q6 through Q12 represent an
signal. Four precise timing signals (pulse 1, pulse 2,
amplifier which, with its input resistor R33 and feedback
pulse 3, and strobe) are combined in AND gate Q4 to
resistors R36 and R37, give an overall gain of 2.4 (7.8
produce a negative pulse at TP1 whenever all four
db). There are two differential stages Q6, Q8 and Q9,
inputs are at logical ONE (positive voltage). The output
Q10. Stage Q11, Q12 is a push-pull emitter-follower
of integrated circuit flip-flop M1 (TP2) goes positive
output stage. A signal level input at pin K or a
when the pin 10 input goes negative (ground). Test
percentage modulation input at pin L is selected by the
point TP2 goes to ground when the pin 2 input, which
corresponds to the demodulated input signal, makes a
Integrated circuit amplifier A2 drives diode-capacitor
negative-going transition. The output of the flip-flop,
network CR6, CR7, and C12, C13 in a feedback
therefore, remains positive only during the time between
configuration. A dc voltage proportional to the input is
the occurrence of a reference timing pulse and the
developed across C12 and C13 for driving the meter.
leading edge of the modulation input signal. The two
Network R31, R32, and C16 provide dc feedback for
signals are at the same frequency; therefore, the flip-
bias stability, but little ac feedback so that the ac signal
flop output gives a direct indication of the relative timing
can be amplified. The signal applied to emitter-follower
or phase difference by its duty cycle. Transistors Q5,
Q3 is rectified and filtered by CR1 and C3, then fed to
Q7, and Q8 are used as a switch to generate the two
emitter-follower Q2 to provide the analog meter dc
levels of ground and +12 volts at TP3.
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