![]() TM 11-6625-667-45/NAVAIR 16-30APM123-2/TO 33A1-3-367-22
6-1. Depot Rebuild Operations
Complete rebuild of Test Set, Transponder AN/
APM-123V( ) and/or its individual components
may be accomplished by depot maintenance
facilities when authorized. Rebuild action will in-
clude all repairs, rebuild, and replacement opera-
tions necessary to make the equipment suitable for
return to DA supply system storks for reissue to
using organizations as equipment equivalent to
6-3. Repair of Cavity A16A1Z1
new material. Detailed procedures for accomplish-
ing the repairs and adjustments established in the
preceding portions of this manual and such addi-
tional repair and rebuild operations as deemed
necessary will be established by the facility per-
forming the work. Paragraphs 7-1 through 7-13
establish the requirements that must be met by re-
built or repaired equipment before it is returned
to DA supply system stocks.
6-2. General Parts Replacement Techniques
These instructions contain important information
Note. In the following procedure, it is assumed that
pertaining to parts replacement.
the RF shield (8) was removed (a above).
b. If any control setting is disturbed during
(1) Remove the five screws (23) and the sixth
rebuild operations, except those indicated in c
screw (19), securing the tuning core holding as-
below, refer to paragraph 4-2 for adjustment
sembly (33) to the cavity housing (32). Remove
the tuning core holding assembly.
c. The pulse spacing output of delay line
(2) Remove the screw (26) and nut (27) that
A6DL1 is critical for equipment calibration Re-
secure the tuning sleeve (31), angle bracket (16).
placement of parts in circuits associated with this
and terminal lug (28) to the cavity housing (32).
output may require recalibrating the circuit. If the
This action also releases capacitor insulator disks
settings of controls A5R1 through A5R5 or A7R1
(29 and 30).
through A7R14 are disturbed, recalibration will be
c. Reassemby Procedure.
necessary. Calibration instructions are provided
(1) Replace the screw (26) in the tuning
during the applicable tests (paras 7-5 through
sleeve (31). Set the capacitor insulator disk (30)
7-13) if such action is required.
Change 2 6-1
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