![]() TM 11-6625-667-45/NAVAIR 16-30APM123-2/TO 33A1-3-367-22
pose. The counters are enabled after the PUSH TO
ducting and its positive-going output causes the re-
TEST switch is activated, and a delay equivalent to
ply rate evaluator to provide an ACCEPT indica-
50 prf periods elapses. When the switch is activated
tion. If less than 56 time-decoded pulses are re-
the 28-volt supply charges capacitor A2C9 through
ceived, readout control A2FF7 remains in a reset
resistor A2R22 (fig. 8-41 (2)). After the effective 50
state. Inverter A2Q4 is, therefore, conducting for a
prf delay constant, the voltage level will be suffi-
full prf period and causes the reply rate evaluator to
cient to cause count delay amplifier A2M18C (fig.
produce a REJECT indication. In either case, the
count and test indication is held until the PUSH TO
the voltage at this level. The negative-going output
TEST switch is released. Additional counting, how-
o f the count delay amplifier inhibits gate
ever, is inhibited by a prf counter after 64 prf peri-
A2Q6/A2Q7, therefore, the reset level is removed
from both counters.
(2) Direct rf connection test count. This opera-
b. Time-Decoded Video Counting. Test indica-
tion requires 16 consecutive correct replies (within
tions are dependent on the number of time-decoded
64 prf periods) for an accept condition. In addition
video pulses received within 64 prf periods. Each
to the counter, a counter error reset circuit is en-
time-decoded video pulse from the mode 4 interro-
abled, When the RAD-DIR switch ,is set at DIR,
gation equipment is counted by the time-decoded
counter output gate A2M19B is inhibited, Gate
video counter. The operation is initially started
A2M19A and counter reset gates A2M15A and
with the triggering of time-decoded video delay
A2M15B are enabled through A2FF7. The latter
A2SS1 (fig. 8-38 (2)) by the output of enable gate
two gates are part of the counter error reset circuit.
A1M18A which produces a 267-microsecond pulse;
This circuit senses whether mode 4 decode video
its trailing edge triggers time-decoded video gate
was present and only a single reply was received
enable A2SS2. The time-decoded video pulse from
during a prf period. The counter trigger from enable
the mode 4 interrogation equipment can then be
gate A1M8A sets video sensor enable A2FF15 and
gated to the time decoded video counter. This pulse
its positive-going 1 output enables decoded, video
is in response to the decoded video from the test set
sensing gate A2M14A and counter reset gate
mode 4 decoder section; A counter output gate cir-
A2M15A. Decoded video, gated by gate A2M14A, is
cuit is controlled by the RAD-DIR switch, which se-
coupled by inverter A2M14B to reset A2FF15. If
lects a count of 16 or 56. The count of 56 is selected
the decoded reply is missing, the high 1 output of
when radiation tests are to be performed. A count
this flip-flop will be present when one-shot A2SS2
of 16 is selected for direct rf coupling tests.
is triggered by a subsequent counter trigger; there-
(1) Radiation test count. The RAD position of
fore, counter reset gate A2M15B is gated on and a
switch A15S9 inhibits gate A2M19A and enables
counter reset signal is applied to the counter
gate A2M19B. In this state, gate A2M19B is gated
through gates A2M18B and A2Q5. If two replies oc-
on at the count of 56 by the counter. The 1 outputs
cur during a prf period the -- of flipflop A2FF15
of A2FF4, A2FF5, and A2FF6 are high when at
goes high upon the arrival of the first decoded pulse
least 56 time-decoded video pulses are received. The
and enables counter reset gate A2M15A; therefore,
gating of A2M19B sets readot it control A2FF7 and
the second reply will
its 0 output goes low. Inverter A2Q4 then stops con-
Change 4
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