![]() TM 11-6625-667-45/NAVSHPS 0969-249-8010/NAVAIR 16-30APM123-2/T0 33A1-3-367-22
on the sectionalization test step (para 3-4) that the
3-6. Localizing Troubles
failure was noted.
a. General. The troubleshooting charts (d
through e below) outline procedures for localiz-
Note. Test setup and condition should be as specified
ing troubles to a stage within the respective mod-
at the step in the sectionalization test where the trouble
was noted.
ule or subassembly. Figures 8-6 through 8-16 are
schematic diagram Figures 8-25 through 8-37
c. Power Supply Section Troubleshooting. Re-
are parts location diagrams. To check stages or
fer to figure 8-6 for schematic diagram and to
parts in either transmitter A16 or the 28-volt
power supply, refer to paragraph 3-10 for instruc-
tions to remove the subassembly.
Caution: If replaced fuses blow, turn off
b. Use of Troubleshooting Charts. A trouble-
power and refer to paragraph 3-5 to locate
shooting chart is provided for each module or sub-
short circuit
assembly. Selection of the applicable chart is based
Probable trouble
a. Check A15CR1 through A15CR4 (fig
+28 volts abnormal----------- a. Bridge rectifier-------- - - - - - - - - -
b. C h e c k d i o d e A 1 5 V R 1 .
primry and secondary of A15T1.
d. Series inductor -------------------
Transistor A13Q1, A13Q2, or A13QJ3---
Check socket voltages and resistances (fig.
12volts abnormal, +156 volts a. Transistor A3Q4-----------------
b. Resistor A13R8------------------
b. Check resistance against rated value.
c. Check diodes A14CR1 through A14CR4.
c. -l8-volt bridge rectifier-----------
If normal, check capacitor A14C7.
Transistor A14Q1, A14Q2, A14Q3,
12 volts abnormal and +156
Check socket voltages and resistance (fig.
volts abnormal.
or A14Q4.
+150 volts abnormal, -12 volts a. Voltage adjustment-------------.
a. Adjust control A14R8 to obtain normal
b. Transistor A14Q5, A14Q6, or
c. Check A14CR6, through A14CR9 and
c. + 150-volt bridge rectifier -------- --
capacitors A14C8 and A14C9. Replace
defective part.
the schematic diagram is figure 8-7.
Probable trouble
Incorrect frequency----------
A16Y1----------------------------- Replace crystal A16Y1.
a. Cable connections to PROBE jack. a. Tighten loose cable connection. Replace
No RF power output with test
point A4TP5 or A4TP4
broken cable or connector.
b. Transistors and tubes:
b. Check transistors and tubes listed in
(1) A16Q1; A16Q2
Probable trouble column in the order
(2) A16Q3; A16V1, or A16A1V1.
given; use voltage and resistance
(3) A16A2Q1, A16A2Q2 or
No RF power with test point
Transistor Al6Ql-------------------- Check A16Q1; use socket voltage and resist-
A4TP5 grounded, but normal
ance diagram.
With A4TP4 grounded.
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