![]() TM 11-6625-667-45/NAVSHIPS 0969-249-8010/NAVAIR 16-30APM123-TO 33A1-3-367-22
the output goes low and resets video enable DFF6.
amplifier A10Q10 and Q11, then gated by the
In emergency operation the first two M1 pulses
delay-line output gate to comparison pulse shaper
have no effect on the emergency gate. When the
third M1 pulse triggers counter section DFF3, its
(2) Comparison pulse shaper DSS2. Com-
1 output again goes high. A positive-going volt-
parison pulse shaper DSS2 shapes the delay-line
age does not trigger counter section DFF4; there-
pulse output. Each delay-line pulse triggers DSS2,
which simultaneously produces both a positive-
fore, the 1 outputs of both sections are high and
and negative-going 0.5-microsecond pulse (fig.
gate on the emergency reset gate. A fourth M1
pulse again triggers the counter, causing both sec-
tions to go to a reset state. Thus, the gating volt-
multi vibrator containing transistors A11Q3 and
ages are removed from the emergency reset gate,
A11Q4, with A11Q3 the normally conducting
and video enable DFF6 is reset.
stage. The negative-going pulse is taken from
A11Q3, and the positive-going pulse is taken from
c. Comparison Pulse Generation (fig. 8-4).
A11Q4. The outputs are applied to error gates
(1) Line-drive enable DFF2 and delay line
1 and 2 of the error detector (d below).
A6DL1. The line-drive enable DFF1 controls the
d. Error Detection Circuit.
decoder line-drive pulses. It permits only the F1
(1) Error gates 1 and 2 form a coincidence
reply pulses from video shaper DSS1 (receiver
circuit (fig. 8-5). They detect the coincidence of
sect ion) to pass. Initially set by the decode enable
reply-video pulses with those generated by com-
pulse, the 0 output (A9Q6) of linedrive enable
parison pulse shaper DSS2. Error gate 1 is con-
DFF1 is low and the 1 output (A9Q7) is high. In
nected to the normally low 1 output of video shaper
this state, the 1 output enables line-drive gate 1,
DSS1 and comparison pulse shaper DSS2. Error
and the positive F1 reply pulse from DSS1 is then
gate 2 is connected to the normally high (0) out-
gated. The gated pulse is coupled by line-drive gate
puts of these shapers Error gate 1 will normally
2 and delay-line driver A10Q7 to delay line
be in an on state, while gate 2 will be in an off state.
A6DL1, and fed back to reset DFF1 for the pur-
Also because both gate outputs are connected to-
pose of disabling line-drive gate 1. As the pulse
gether, an effective zero-reference output is estab-
flows down A6DL1, 12 information pulses, an F2
lished. With this arrangement, a change in state of
pulse and an identity pulse are developed. Each
only one gate causes the common output to go high.
information pulse is coupled by an emitter fol-
One gate must be off while the other gate is on to
lower to the respective CODE selection switch (A,
obtain the common zero-reference output. During
B, C, or D). Figure 8-4 shows these switches set
error detect ion, the gates perform as shown in the
for code 7777, and all 14 pulses of A6DLl are avail-
chart below. Reference time A represents the con-
able. During mode 1 identity test the delay-line
dition before any pulses are present. Reference time
I/P pulse output is used as an F1 pulse for com-
B indicates the condition caused by the arrival of
parison with the second F1 pulse of the second
the DSS1 pulse. Reference time C indicates the
pulse train. Two pulse trains are produced in the
coincidence of the pulses from DSS1 and DSS2.
delay line during this test since the delayed M1
Reference time D is the result of the trailing edge
pulse again sets DFF1. Thereby, the second F1
of the DSS2 pulse. Reference time E is the result.
only pulse is gated to the delay line, producing
of the trailing edge of the DSS1 pulse. Two posi-
the second group of information pulses and the F2
tive pulses are produced during reference times
pulse. During emergency tests this operation is
A through E.
extended, because four F1 replay pulses are used
to obtain the necessary train plus three sets of F1
Error gate 1 input Error gate 2 input
and P2 pulses The M1 pulse sets DFF1 each time
ence time DSS1 DSS2
Common output level
to permit gating of each subsequent F1 reply
A----- High High Low Low
Zero reference.
pulse. In this test three I/P pulse outputs of the
H i g h High Low
B - - - - - - Low Low
High High Zero referance.
delay line are used as the last three F1 comparison
D - - - - Low
High High LOW
pulses. All pulses are applied to delay-line ouput
E----- LoW L o w
High High Zero reference.
Change 4
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