![]() TM 11-6625 -537-14-1
will normally disappear after the tube has aged a
V202 and chopper CK1 on the dc vtvm printed
circuit board with Humi-Seal IBI2 (manufactured
bit. When replacing V102, use a type 0G3 which
by Columbia Technical Corp., Woodside, N, Y.) to
has been aged for at least 150 hours to obtain
prevent moisture accumulation, When replacing
stable operation. The electronic voltmeter should
be recalibrated after replacing any components.
tube V104 or V105 (12AX7), some drift of the 500-
volt dc reference supply may be noted. This drift
Table 6-2. Test Procedure for Fault Isolation
Nominal resistor voltage
Maximum voltage difference
each resistor
R401 and R402
R403 and R406
R407 and R408
R409 and R417
R418 and R419
R420 thru R428
R429 and R430
R431 thru R439
R440 thru R449
6-12, Replacement of Decimal Point Indicator
g. Remove decimal lamp holder from bracket
by applying pressure to each side of holder,
h. Remove cardboard shield and replace bulb.
a. Disconnect power cord from power source.
i. Place card board shield over bulb and replace
b. Remove screws at back of cabinet and slide
holder in bracket.
instrument out of case.
j. Install range resistor printed circuit board
c. Remove screws that hold front panel
and precision voltage divider printed circuit board
assembly to chassis.
on front panel assembly.
d. Being careful to avoid wiring damage,
k. Install front panel assembly on chassis,
gently lift front panel assembly from instrument
L Replace instrument in case and install screws
and place face down in front of instrument.
at back of cabinet.
e . Remove screws holding range resistor
printed circuit board and precision voltage divider
normal upright position for at least 8 hours before
printed circuit board to front panel assembly,
operation. This will allow voltage of standard cell
f. Push these printed circuit boards aside
to return to normal after being tipped.
enough to allow access to decimal lamp holders.
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