![]() TM 11-6625-537-14-1
The following publications contain information applicable to the operation and
maintenance of ME-202(*)/U.
DA Pam 310-4
Index of Technical Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Supply Manuals
(Types 7,8, and 9), Supply Bulletins, and Lubrication Orders.
DA Pam 310-7
US Army Equipment Index of Modification Work Orders.
SB 38-100
Preservation, Packaging, Packing and Marking Materials, Supplies
and Equipment Used by the Army.
SC-5180 -91-CL-R07
S e t s , Kits, and Outfits Component List Tool Kit, Electronic
Equipment TK-105/G (FSN 5180-610-8177),
TB 746-10
Field Instructions for Painting and Preserving Electronics Command
TM 11-6625.200-15
Operator's Organizational, DS, GS, and Depot Maintenance Manual:
M u l t i m e t e r s ME-26A/U, ME-26B/U, ME-26C/U, and ME-26D/U.
TM 11-6625-274-12
O p e r a t o r ' s and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Test sets,
E l e c t r o n Tube TV-7/U, TV-7A/U, TV-7B/U, and TV-7D/U.
TM 11-6625-316-12
Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Test Sets, Electron
Tube TV-2/U, T ` V - 2 A / U , TV-2B/U, and TV-2C/U.
TM 11-6625-320-12
Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Voltmeter, Meter
M E - 3 0 A / U and Voltmeters, Electronic ME-30B/U, ME-30C/U,
and ME-30E/U.
TM 11-6625-539-15
Operator, Organizational, Field, and Depot Maintenance Manual:
Transistor Test Set TS-1836/U.
TM 11-6625-683-15
Operator, Organization, Direct Support, General Support, and Depot
Maintenance Manual: Signal Generator AN/URM .127
TM 38-750
The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS).
TM 740-90-1
Administrative Storage of Equipment.
Procedures for Destruction of Electronics Materiel to Prevent Enemy
TM 750-244-2
Use (Electronics Command).
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