![]() TM 11-6625 -537-14-1
Table 6-1. Troubleshooting-Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
a. Faulty component
a. Adjust .500 VDC ADJ R121 and
20. Voltage at pin 3 of V101 (series
CALIBRATE control. If voltage
regulator output) is not within
at pin 3 at V101 cannot be set to
470 and 530 volts dc.
component by performing voltage
and resistance measurements on
terminals of V101. V102. V104,
and 1'105. See figure FO-.5 for
normal values.
b. Check V101 by replacement,
b. V101 faulty
V104 by
V102 or V104 faulty
21. Voltage at pin 3 of V101
replacement. Use a type 0G3
(regulated output of 500-volt dc
which as been aged 150 hours
reference supply) varies more
when replacing V102.
than 0.025 volt dc as line voltage
is varied.
Isolate faulty tube by gently tapping,
V101, VI02, VI04, or V105 is
22. Voltage at pin 3 of V1OI
Replace faulty tube.
(regulated output of 500-volt dc
reference supply) is erratic while
chassis is being tapped.
Check components in rectifier filter
Faulty component
23. Ripple voltage at pin 3 of V101
(regulated output of 500-volt dc
reference supply) is greater than
0,003 volt ac.
a. Locate faulty component by
24. Voltage at pin 5 of V204 (B+ to
a. Short within instrument
performing voltage and resistance
dc vtvm) is not within 140 and
168 volts dc.
measurements on terminals of
V202, V203. and V204
b. Check V204 by replacement,
h. V204 faulty
25. Voltage at pin 5 of V204 (B+ to
Check V204 by replacement,
V204 faulty
dc vtvm varies more than 3 volts
dc as line voltage is varied.
26. Ripple voltage at pin 5 of V204
Check CR201 , R228, R229, C214A,
Faulty component
(B+ to dc vtvm) is greater than
and C214B in rectifier filter
0,015 volt ac.
Clean instrument (para 4-6).
27 Random excursions of VOLTS
Moisture or dirt on printed circuit
meter needle are greater than one-
boards or switches.
quarter small scale division.
28. VOLTS meter excursions are
a. Check V204 by replacement.
a. V204 faulty
greater than one-quarter small
b. Check V202 and V203 by
b. V202 or V203 faulty
scale division as line voltage is
c. Check CK1 by replacement.
c. CK 1 faulty
Clean instrument (para 4-6).
29. \rOLTS meter needle deflects
Moisture or dirt on printed circuit
more than one-tenth full scale
when controls are set as follows:
Voltage readout dials
30. VOLTS meter needle deflects
Clean instrument (para 4-6)
Moisture or dirt on printed circuit
more than six small scale
boards or switches.
divisions when controls are set as
Voltage readout dials
AC-de polarity
Zero VOLTS meter needle by
VOLTS meter movement out of
31. VOLTS meter does not deflect
adjusting mechanical adjustment
within one-half small scale
screw on meter face. Replace
division of full scale to left when
VOLTS meter if mechanical
AC-de polarity switch is set to
adjustment has no effect.
sign (negative) after deflecting
full scale to right with AC-de
polarity switch set to +
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