![]() TM 11-6625 -537-14-1
4-6. Cleaning
(2) Blow out the dust and any foreign matter
from the electronic voltmeter with a low-pressure
a. Exterior of Equipment. Inspect the exterior
dry air blower. Be sure that the binding posts, the
of the equipment. The exterior surfaces should be
wiring, and all the switches are completely free of
free of dust, dirt, grease, and fungus.
dust and foreign matter.
(1) Remove the dust and the loose dirt with a
(3) Clean t h e b i n d i n g p o s t s , t h e i n -
clean soft cloth.
sulators, and the front panel with a rag saturated
in anhydrous denatured ethyl alcohol.
The fumes of trichloroethane are toxic.
Provide thorough ventilation whenever
U s e only anhydrous denatured ethyl
used. DO NOT use near an open flame,
alcohol when cleaning the insulators of
T r i c h l o r o e t h a n e is not flammable, but
t h e switches. Other cleaning solvents
exposure of the fumes to an open flame
may react with the insulating material in
converts the fumes to highly toxic,
these switches.
dangerous gases.
( 4 ) When necessary, wash the exposed
(2) Remove the grease, fungus, and ground-
insulating material of all switches with a small,
in dirt from the case; use a cloth dampened (not
stiff, bristled brush and the anhydrous denatured
wet) with trichloroethane.
ethyl alcohol.
(3) Remove the dust or dirt from the plugs
(5) After washing, recoat the exposed switch
and the jacks with a brush.
i n s u l a t i n g material with a solution of Dow
Corning 200 having a viscosity between 50 and
Do not press on the meter face (glass)
2 0 0 centistokes (10 percent solution of 100
when cleaning; the meter may become
viscosity grade Dow Corning 200 in anhydrous
denatured ethyl alcohol). This solution will
(4) Clean the front panel, the meter, and the
prevent any leakage due to moisture on these
control knobs; use a soft, clean cloth. If dirt is
surfaces. Do not apply grease or other lubricants
difficult to remove, dampen the cloth with water;
to switch wafers.
m i l d soap may be used for more effective
4-7. Touchup Painting Instructions
b. Interior of Equipment. P e r f o r m t h e
Remove rust and corrosion from metal surfaces
procedures given in (1) through (5) below to
by lightly sanding them with fine sandpaper.
remove the dust and any foreign matter and to
Brush two thin coats of paint on the bare metal to
prevent leakage.
protect it from further corrosion. Refer to the
(1) Remove the two securing screws at the
a p p l i c a b l e cleaning and refinishing practices
rear of the electronic voltmeter and pull the
specified in TB 746-10.
chassis out of the case.
4-8. Visual Inspection
procedure for the systematic check of equipment
by the organizational repairman. All the
When the equipment fails to operate properly,
corrective measures that can be performed are
turn off the power and check for the conditions
given in the Corrective action column. When
listed below. Inspection will save repair time and
using the troubleshooting chart, follow each step
may also avoid further damage. Do not check any
in the order given. If the corrective measures
item with the power on.
i n d i c a t e d do not restore the equipment per-
a. Wrong settings of switches and controls.
formance, troubleshooting is required by a higher
b. Damaged, disconnected, or poorly con-
maintenance repair category. Note on the repair
nected power cord.
t a g how the equipment performed and the
c . Burnt-out fuse. (This condition usually
corrective measures that were taken.
indicates some other fault. )
4-9. Troubleshooting
The troubleshooting chart (table 4-4) provides a
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