![]() TM 11-6625 -537-14-1
voltage excursions, carefully complete the
g. Measurement of High Resistance. T h e
following steps:
electronic voltmeter may be used to measure high
(1) Select a recorder with at least 10,000
resistances between 1 and 250,000 megohms. In
m e g o h m s leakage resistance to ground. An
this application, a known voltage (E), indicated
isolation amplifier with at least 10,000 megohms
by the voltage readout dials, is applied to a series
resistance to ground may be used to adapt the
circuit consisting of the unknown resistance (Rx),
electronic voltmeter to recorders with excessive
and the input resistance (10 megohms) of the
leakage resistance.
voltmeter circuit. The voltage (Em) across the 10
mehohm resistance is indicated by the VOLTS
meter. The value of the unknown resistance may
Do not ground the RECORDER OUT-
PUT terminals of the electronic voltmeter
b e exactly d e t e r m i n e d from the following
or the recorder input terminals, Accuracy
of the electronic voltmeter will be com-
Rx (megohms) = 1 O ( E I }
pletely degraded,
(2) Connect recorder to RECORDER
P r o c e e d with the following steps to rapidly
OUTPUT terminals of electronic voltmeter,
determine the value of an unknown resistance:
(1) Perform
(3) Perform initial operation in accordance
with paragraph 3-5.
accordance with paragraph 3-5.
(2) Set RANGE switch to 500 and NULL
(4) Check for excessive leakage as follows:
switch to 10.
( a ) Connect a dc voltage to input of
(3) Connect unknown resistance to input
electronic voltmeter and differentially measure its
t e r m i n a l s of electronic voltmeter. Use short
potential (para 3-7 b ).
i s o l a t e d leads to prevent measuring leakage
(b) Alternately connect and disconnect
resistance between leads.
recorder leads from RECORDER OUTPUT
(4) Adjust voltage readout dials to obtain
terminals of electronic voltmeter while observing
full-scale deflection of VOLTS meter (meter will
VOLTS meter. More than one small scale division
deflect left). Set NULL switch to 1 or .1 if full
deflection indicates that excessive leakage to
scale deflection cannot be obtained with NULL
ground has been introduced by the recorder and
control set to 10. Determine value of unknown
w i l l degrade the accuracy of the electronic
resistance as shown in table 3-3 when fullscale
deflection is obtained.
( c ) Disconnect dc voltage from input
(5) If full-scale deflection cannot be ob-
t a i n e d , set NULL control to .1 and voltage
(5) Adjust electronic voltmeter controls as
r e a d o u t dials to maximum. Note the VOLTS
meter indication on lower scale, full scale is 0.1
(a) Set RANGE control to 50.
volt. Determine unknown resistance from the
(b) Set NULL control to 10.
following equation:
(c) Set AC-de polarity control to
Rx (megohms) = 10 E where:
+ (positive).
(d) Set Voltage readout dials to 10,000.
Rx is the unknown resistance
( 6 ) Short electronic voltmeter input ter-
E is the voltage indicated by the voltage readout
minals together. VOLTS meter will deflect full
(7) Adjust electronic voltmeter GAIN ADJ
Em is VOLTS meter indication.
c o n t r o l (fig. 2-2) to obtain desired recorder
Example: Voltage readout dials A, B, C, D and E
deflection corresponding to fun-scale deflection of
are set to 4, 9, 9, 9, 10, VOLTS meter needle is on
electronic voltmeter
.34. This information could be used to determine
(8) Remove short from electronic voltmeter
that E is 500, Em is 0.034, and that Rx is 143,000
input terminals.
(9) The electronic voltmeter and recorder are
(6) Disconnect resistance from input ter-
now ready for combined use. Proceed as in-
structed in paragraph 3-7 e.
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