![]() TM 11-6625 -537-14-1
Table 3-3, Measurement of High Resistance
To obtain ualue of resistance in megohms
Range of unknown resistance
NULL setting
1 to 500 megohms
Subtract 10.00 from setting of voltage readout dials.
500 to 5,000 megohms
Subtract 1.00 from setting of voltage readout dials and multiply result
by 10.
Multiply setting of voltage readout dials by 100.
5,000 to 50,000 megohms
equipment may be installed in tents, huts, or,
3-8. Operation in Arctic Climates
where necessary, underground dugouts. When
Subzero temperatures and climatic conditions
equipment is installed below ground, and when it
associated with cold weather affect the efficient
is set up in swamp areas, moisture conditions are
operation of electronic equipment. Instructions
more acute than normal in the tropics, Ventilation
and precautions for operation under such adverse
u s u a l l y is very poor, a n d the high relative
conditions follow.
humidity causes condensation of moisture on the
a. Handle equipment carefully.
e q u i p m e n t whenever the temperature of the
b. Keep equipment warm and dry. If electronic
equipment becomes lower than the ambient air.
v o l t m e t e r is not kept in a heated inclosure,
To minimize this condition, place lighted electric
construct an insulated box for the equipment.
bulbs under the equipment,
c. Make certain the equipment is warmedup
sufficiently before attempting to use it. This may
3-10. Operation in Desert Climates
take 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the tem-
The main problem with equipment operation in
perature of the surrounding air.
desert areas is the large amount of sand and dust
d. When equipment which has been exposed to
that enters the moving parts of the equipment.
the cold is brought into a warm room, it will start
Therefore, cleaning and servicing intervals shall
to sweat and will continue to do so until it reaches
be shortened according to local conditions.
room temperature. When the electronic voltmeter
has reached room temperature, dry it thoroughly.
3-9. Operation in Tropical Climates
When operated in tropical climates, electronic
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