![]() TM 11-6625 -537-14-1
single frequency. When adjusting the voltage
given value such as the variations in the output
voltage of a dc power supply. Perform initial
readout dials, VOLTS meter needle deflection to
operation in accordance with paragraph 3-5 and
the right indicates that the unknown voltage is
proceed with the following steps:
greater than the internal voltage and the voltage
(1) Set AC-de polarity switch to desired
readout dials should be increased. The voltage
position corresponding to voltage to be measured.
readout dials should be decreased if the VOLTS
meter needle deflects to the left.
(2) Connect voltage to be monitored to input
(1) Perform initial operation in accordance
terminals. Always connect grounded side of input
(2) Set AC-de polarity switch to AC.
to lower input terminal.
(3) Connect unknown ac voltage to input
(3) Set RAN GE control to lowest position
terminals. Connect grounded side of input to
t h a t w i l l a l l o w a n o n s c a l e VOLTS meter
lower input terminal (middle terminal).
deflection. Note approximate value of voltage to
be monitored as indicated on upper VOLTS meter
(4) Set RANGE switch to lowest position
scale. When monitoring a dc voltage, set AC-de
that will allow an on-scale VOLTS meter
polarity switch to + (positive) or (negative) as
deflection. Note approximate value of unknown
to obtain VOLTS meter needle
v o l t a g e as indicated on upper VOLTS meter
deflection to the right.
(4) Set voltage readout dials to correspond
(5) Set voltage readout dials A and B to
to approximate value of voltage to be observed.
correspond with the approximate value deter-
mined in (4) above, and set dials C, D, and E to O.
(5) Set NULL control to lowest position that
will allow voltage excursions to remain on scale.
A B (RANGE switch
492 Vac
(6) Read voltage excursions from lower scale
155 \'ac
of VOLTS meter. When monitoring dc voltages,
65 Vac
full scale right and left VOLTS meter deflections
35 Vac
are equal to the setting of the NULL control.
2.1 Vac
0.125 Vac
When monitoring ac voltages, full scale right and
left VOLTS meter deflections are equal to the
setting of the NULL control multiplied by the AC
Set voltage readout dials slightly below
NULL MULT indicated by RANGE control
t h e appropriate value as indicated in
setting, Full scale ac deflections for recommended
the example.
settings of the RANGE and NULL control are
(6) Set NULL switch to 10.
shown in figure 3-3. Voltage under observation
(7) Advance voltage readout dial B until
has increased when VOLTS meter deflects to
VOLTS meter needle deflects to left and then
right, and decreased when VOLTS meter deflects
back one stop to return needle to right side.
to left.
(8) Set NULL switch to each succeeding
lower position, adjusting voltage readout dials C
nected to a 450 volts dc power supply, and set U P
through E as required to maintain zero VOLTS
t o observe voltage excursions, the following
meter needle deflection until the desired accuracy
indications were observed:
is obtained. Refer to table 1-3 for recommended
settings to be used.
RANGE control set at 500
NULL control set at 10
(9) Determine accurate reading from voltage
Voltage readout dials set at 4,4, 5, 5, 0
readout dials; be sure to note location of decimal
VOLTS meter needle (varying) .2-O
This would indicate that the actual output of the
Examples: Voltage readout dials A, B, C, D, and
dc power supply being observed was 445.5 volts
E indicate 3, 8, 6, 5, and 9, respectively. If the
RANGE switch was on 500, the decimal indicator
dc. The excursions about the nominal were 2
volts dc which meant that the output voltage
between C and D would be illuminated and the
varied from 445.5 to 443.5 volts dc. This in-
voltage measured would be 386.59 volts ac. If the
formation would be used to determine that the
RANGE switch was on 5 and the decimal in-
output was stable within 0.5 percent.
dicator between A and B illuminated, the voltage
(7) Set NULL control to VTVM and
measured would be 3.8659 volts dc.
disconnect voltage from input terminals.
( 1 0 ) Set NULL switch to VTVM
f. Recording Voltage Excursions about a
disconnect voltage from input terminals.
e. Observation of Excursions of Voltage about
Nominal Value. Provisions to connect a recorder
to the electronic voltmeter are included on the
a Nominal Value. The electronic voltmeter can be
rear panel. If a recorder is to be used to record
used to observe excursions of a voltage about a
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