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b. Depress pushbutton 3 -- MUT. COND.
d. Readjust the clamp (b above) until the
and vary the LINE ADJUST control so that
as voltages are within the limits specified (c
the multimeter indicates 130 volts
move) for the various BIAS control settings.
test set meter should indicate LINE TEST.
23. Plate Voltage and line Adjust Circuit Test
c. If the multimeter does not indicate 130
a. Connect a 375,000-ohm resistor (para
(TV-7A/U (serial numbers 1201
0b) in parallel with the multi meter from the
through 9492), TV-7B/U, or TV-7D/U), ad-
cathode to the plate (pin 6 to pin 3) of the
just clamp A on R130 (fig. 30-32) until the
OCTAL test socket.
correct voltage is obtained.
b. Depress pushbutton 3 -- MUT. COND.
d. Depress both the 3 -- MUT. COND.
and vary the LINE ADJUST control so that
and 2 -- DIODE pushbuttons. The multimeter
the multimeter indicates 150 volts
should indicate 56 volts
test set meter should indicate LINE TEST.
e.  If the multimeter does not indicate 56
c. Perform the following procedure when
(TV7(*)/U), adjust clamp B on
the test set meter indicates below LINE TEST
R130 until the correct voltage is obtained.
( T V - 7 / U or TV-7A/U):
f. When the difference between the plate
(1) Connect the decade resistor parallel
voltage and the high (130 volts
to R124.
grid voltage is greater than 30 volts or less
(2) Adjust the decade resistor so that the
than 10 volts, check both rectifier tubes. Be
test set meter indicates LINE TEST.
sure that all component defects have been
Note. The resistance should be between 2
eliminated. If the difference between voltages
and 15 megohms for the TV-7/U and be-
is still too great or too small, proceed as fol-
tween 1.5 and 20 megohms for the TV
lows :
(1) Reverse the filament-cathode leads at
(3) Solder a resistor of the correct value
the type 83 rectifier tube socket (pins
parallel to R124.
1 and 4), and recheck the plate
d. Perform the following procedure when
(para 23b) and screen grid (b above)
the test set meter indicates above LINE TEST
( T V - 7 / U or TV-7A/U):
(2) If the voltage difference increased
(1) Connect the decade resistor in parallel
again or stayed the same, return the
with CR101.
leads ((1) above) to their original
(2) Adjust the decade resistor so that the
position and reverse the filament-
test set meter indicates LINE TEST.
cathode leads of the type 5Y3WGTA
Note. The resistance should be between
rectifier tube (para 2b) at terminals 3
40,000 and 60,000 ohms for the TV-7/U and
and 5 of T101.
between 10,000 and 100,000 ohms for the
(3) Recheck the plate (para 23b) and
(3) Solder a resistor of the correct value
screen grid (b above) voltages. If the
parallel to CR101.
voltage difference increased or stayed
e . Adjust R134 (TV-7B/U or TV-7D/U).
the same, return the leads ((2 above)
to their original position.
(1) Determine and mark the midposition
(4) Replace the bias potentiometer (R129)
of R134.
with one of a lower value. A reduc-
(2) Adjust R134 until the test set meter
tion of approximately 100 ohms will
indicates LINE TEST. If the setting
reduce the high screen grid voltage
of R134 is approximately 45 to either
approximately 1 volt.
side of the midposition ((1) above),
Note. If R129 is changed, recheck the
check CR101 and R134.
plate (para 23b) and screen grid (b above)
24. Screen Grid Voltage Test
a. Connect a 375,000-ohm resistor (para
25. Short Circuit Tests
20b) in parallel with the multimeter from the
a. Set the selectors and the controls to
cathode to the screen grid (pin 6 to pin 4)
HS5-3468, BIAS to 0, and SHUNT to 0.
of the OCTAL test socket.

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