![]() d. The partial schematic diagram (fig. 10)
through the circuit. The decreasing
current will flow from the cathode to
shows the various switch sections used and the
Contacts made to test a type 6SK7 electron tube.
the plate of the 6SK7 and through
Refer to the simplified circuit (fig. 11) for the
R103 to the cathode of V101. Current
operation of the circuit (e below).
will flow from the cathode of V101 to
pin 2, and through secondary No. 1 of
e. When pushbutton switch S110-3 is de-
T101 to the junction of R118 and
pressed, a voltage of approximately +150 volts
R115 and R137 in parallel. Current
dc is applied to the plate of the tube under
will divide at this point. Some cur-
rent will flow through R115 and R137
( 1 ) When the polarity of the voltage
to the cathode of the tube under test;
across secondary No. 2 of T101 is such
the remainder of the current will flow
that pin 3 of V101 is positive with
through R118, M101 and C103 in
respect to the cathode of V101, the
parallel, R111, and R113 and R135 in
signal voltage applied between the con-
parallel, to the cathode of the tube
trol grid and the cathode of the tube
under test.
under test will swing in a positive
( 3 ) With unbalanced currents flowing
direction, thereby decreasing the bias
through M101 on adjacent half cycles,
a n d increasing the current flow
and unequal forces applied to the
through the circuit. The increasing
meter pointer, the deflection of the
current will flow from the cathode to
pointer will be proportional to the
the plate of the 6SK7, through R103,
difference between the two currents.
a neutralizing resistor, to the cathode
T h e heavier current flow through
of V101. Current will flow from the
M101 occurs when pin 3 of V101 is
cathode of V101 to pin 3 and through
positive with respect to the cathode
secondary No. 2 of T101 to the junc-
of V101, and results in an essentially
tion of R111 and R135 in parallel. Cur-
steady, upscale reading on the meter,
rent will divide at this point. Some
current will flow through R113 and
R135 to the cathode of the tube under
test; the remainder of the current will
a. The plate voltage for the tube under test
flow through R111, M101 and C103
is supplied by secondary No. 2, terminals 11
in parallel, R118, and R115 and R137
and 13, of T101. Screen and bias rectifier tube
in parallel, to the cathode of the tube
V102 supplies the bias voltage. Since there is
under test. The screen grid will draw
no screen grid in the tube under test in this
some current since it is positive with
instance, no connection is made to the screen
respect to the cathode. The screen
grid voltage supply.
grid current will flow through R102,
b. When pushbutton switch S110-4 (4 --
which is used to suppress oscillations
GAS 1) is depressed, a definite value of plate
that may be produced by the tube un-
voltage and bias voltage is applied to the tube
der test, to V102, and back to the
under test and causes a definite value of plate
cathode of the tube. Resistor R104,
current to flow. Meter M101 is in the plate-to-
in the control grid circuit, is also used
cathode circuit of the tube under test and will
to suppress oscillations that may be
be actuated by the plate current.
produced by the tube under test.
c. When pushbutton switch S110-5 (5 --
( 2 ) When the polarity of the voltage
GAS 2) is depressed, grid resistor R128, which
across secondary No. 1 of T101 is
was shorted by part of switch S1105, is in-
such that pin 2 of V101 is positive
s e r t e d into the control grid circuit. If grid
with respect to the cathode of V101,
current flows from the bias voltage source
the signal voltage applied to the tube
through the grid circuit to the cathode as
under test will swing in a negative
shown by the arrows, due to gas in the tube,
direction, thereby increasing the bias
the grid current will develop a voltage drop
and decreasing t h e current flow
a c r o s s R128 in the direction indicated. A
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