![]() on the cover of the test set before dis-
carding a shorted tube.
age test circuit primarily consists of meter
M101, part of transformer T101, and R126.
(2) Noise generated within a tube is often
Line voltage fluctuations across the primary of
caused by the vibration of loose tube
transformer T101 can be compensated for by
elements or by intermittent contact
adjusting LINE ADJUST control R126, a rheo-
between elements. When tube ele-
stat, until the meter pointer is directly over the
ments vibrate, or when intermittent
L I N E TEST mark. Frequent adjustment of
disturbances between elements are too
this control may be necessary, depending on the
brief to cause the neon lamp to indi-
stability of the line voltage. When the LINE
cate a short, an audible means can be
used to detect the noise produced
ADJUST control is correctly set, proper test
(para 22, TM 11-6625-274-12). The
potentials are applied to the elements of the
SHORTS section of the FUNCTION
tube under test.
SWITCH is also used for the noise
c. Shorts and Noise Test Circuit. The same
circuit is used to test tubes for self-generated
d. Rectifier Test Circuit. The quality of
noise and for interelectrode shorts.
diode detectors and vacuum tube rectifiers is
(1) A short between any two elements of
checked by measuring the dc emission of the
the tube under test will cause neon
tube under static conditions. Cold cathode-type
SHORTS lamp E101 to glow. The
tubes are tested similar to diode detectors and
vacuum tube rectifiers, except a higher voltage
SWITCH S109 is used to select any
is applied to the tube. Various fixed test volt-
tube electrode and to test it for shorts
ages are selected by pushbuttons 2 -- DIODE,
to all other elements. In some in-
6 - OZ4, and 7 -- RECT. The amount that the
stances, certain elements within a
pointer of meter M101 deflects is a measure of
the efficiency of electron emission of the tube.
vacuum tube are intentionally shorted
e. Mutual Conductance Test Circuit. This
together. Refer to the test data book
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