![]() Section Il. GENERAL THEORY
pally of a power supply to furnish the correct
voltages to the tubes under test, a line test cir-
cuit, an-d five tube-testing circuits. These five
The block diagram illustrates the several ma-
circuits are shorts, noise test, rectifier test,
jor circuit sections of the test set and their
mutual conductance test, and gas test. Controls
relation to each other. Voltage from a 115-volt
and switches permit the application of proper
alternating current (at) power source is re-
test voltages to the tube under test, and a meter
duced and standardized by the operation of the
or an indicating lamp displays the test results.
line adjust circuit. For line voltage adjust-
The relationship among the principal circuits
ments, pushbutton 1 -- LINE ADJ. is de-
and parts of the test set are shown in the block
pressed. Voltage is then applied to meter M101
diagram (fig. 2).
through metallic rectifier CR101. When the
meter pointer is directly over the LINE TEST
consists of three supply voltage circuits, each
mark, the voltages for the test circuits are
supplied by transformer T101.
(1) The filament suppIy consists of second-
a. The power supply circuit consists
ary windings No. 7 and FILAMENT
basically of transformer T101 and rectifier
VOLTAGE switch S108. The FILA-
tubes V101 and V102. The power supply pro-
MENT VOLTAGE switch is used to
vides ac voltages for the mutual conductance
select any one of 18 different filament
tests and for the filaments or the heaters of
voltages for the tube or panel lamp
V101, V102, and the tube under test, and pro-
under test, ranging from 0.6 volt to
vides direct current (de) voltages for the tube
117 volts ac. PILOT lamp E102 is
under test. Voltage is applied to the tube under
connected between terminals 22 and
t e s t through FILAMENT VOLTAGE switch
28 of secondary No. 7, and lights when
S108 and the selector switches.
the POWER switch is set to the ON
b. Pushbutton switch assembly S110 pro-
vides a selection of various combinations of
(2) Full-wave rectifier tube V101 supplies
plate, screen, bias, and signal voltages that are
unfiltered, pulsating dc voltage for the
required to test the different types of tubes.
plate of the tube under test. Second-
Proper selection of these voltages is made
aries No. 1 and No. 2 supply the ac
through the setting of the selector switches
voltage for the plates of V101. Fila-
before the voltages are applied to the tube under
ment voltage for V101 is supplied by
teat. The selector switches determine the test
secondary No. 6.
socket terminals to which the various test volt-
ages are applied. The FUNCTION SWITCH
(3) Grid bias voltage and screen grid volt-
age is supplied to the tube under test
serves a dual purpose: when shorts tests are
b y full-wave r e c t i f i e r tube V102.
m a d e , positions No. 1 through 5 of the
Secondaries No. 4 and No. 5 supply
permit the application of an ac voltage to the
t h e operating voltages for V102.
Various amounts of bias voltage for
different elements of the tube under test. When
the tube under test can be selected by
p o s i t i o n s A through E (A through F, TV-
changing the setting of the BIAS con-
7D/U) of the RANGES section of the FUNC-
TION SWITCH are used, the sensitivity of
trol. A separate winding on trans-
former T101 supplies an ac signal
meter M101 and the magnitude of the signal
voltage are controlled. Meter M101 indicates
voltage to the grid circuit of the tube
the condition of the tube under test.
under test. Screen grid voltage may
be varied by adjusting the taps on
resistor R130. Pushbutton 2 -- DIODE
Test Set, Electron Tube TV-7(*)/U employs
permits either the normal screen grid
the dynamic mutual conductance method to test
voltage or a low screen grid voltage
amplifier tubes, The test set consists princi-
to be applied to the tube under test.
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