TM 11-6625-2405-15
nection between the sockets of pluckout printed
circuit cards and the printed circuit card. Each
straight-through line is provided with a test point
to permit electrical monitoring under operating
The maintenance accessory kit contains breakout
conditions. The extender cards are provided in
boxes, extender cards, sets of extender cards,
groups for each radio set. Some extender cards
adapters, and a termination box with connecting
can only be used in one socket; others can be used
cables, housed in a lightweight transit case (fig.
in several sockets of the same radio set (see para-
graph 1-6b, c, and d, Common `name col-
u m n , for this informantion). In addition,
place under a cover in the other side of the case.
certain cards allocated for testing of one radio
Three captive snap fasteners secure the cover in
set can be used for other radio sets as well. In
place. On the rear of the cover (fig. 1-2), sepa-
the chart below, cards shown on the same line
rate compartments are provided to hold the three
can be used interchangeably from set to set.
sets of extender cards and the technical manual.
Where only one card is shown on a line, there is
Snaps secure the six adapters. The termnination
no interchangeability.
box and extender cables are held in place by
straps in the floor of the compartment.
t h e lightweight fiberglass case. Two twist-
release latches secure the two halves of the
hinged case together.
The extender cards provide straight-through con-
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