![]() TM11-5895-932-14&P
etc. Source of the information contained in the
b. Use of the BERT in testing a typical com-
munications system is shown in figure 4-1. In this
station drawings are as follows:
a. Cable runs-routing through cable ducts
case, the BERT is connected into the modem side of
b. Cable pair color coding connections
he black patch panel to supply signals to the
c. Cross connection diagrams
modem, the communications lines, and the remote
d Location, stenciling of terminal blocks
terminal modem. The lines are looped back at the
e. Schematic diagrams
mints shown separately, progressing from left to
(1) Fuse and alarm panels
right on the diagram At each loopback point, the
(2) Patch panels.
BERT is operated and the number of errors
(3) Major alarm panel
totalized. is noted. A significant increase in errors,
f. Connection and distribution of
caused by the addition of a loopback segment,
(1) DC power.
pinpoints the cause of the trouble to that added
(2) AC power.
segment. If the modems prove defective by this
(3) Intercom.
method, they should be replaced. If the com-
munications lines prove defective they should be
further tested, using conventional analog techniques
Troubleshooting of this facility is based upon
and then report this trouble, symptom, and
malfunctions that may occur during normal
measurement to the maintenance personnel
operation of the equipment in the system When a
responsible for the communications lines
trouble occurs, refer to the "Trouble Symptom"
4-12. Station Drawings
column in the chart Perform the checks and
corrective measures indicated in the "Check and
In addition to this manual, a considerable amount of
Corrective Maintenance" column to locate and clear
maintenance data which is used for troubleshooting,
the trouble.
is contained in the station drawings. Site personnel
must become familiar with the information contained
in them and in their use, numbering system, order,
Check and corrective
Trouble symptom
Probable trouble
_ _ - --
--- __. - -
Check for trouble as indicated by
No audible tone from audible in-
a Tellite has been pressed, locking
switch line
dicator with a switch illuminated
out audible tone
Provide ground to audible in-
b Gnd from alarm panel not being
dicator with jumper wire If
extended to audible indicator
alarm does not sound check for
voltage at audible indicator If
voltage is present audible in-
dicator is defective
(1) If alarm sounds when ground
is provided, circuit trace ground
back to alarm panel
(1) If voltage is not found at
alarm, trace voltage back to -48
vdc power supply
c Gnd not being extended through
If no ground is found coming out
alarm panel
of alarm panel it will be
necessary to remove alarm panel
from rack to gain access to the
component parts With the top
and bottom covers removed. make
a continuity check from the pm
number corresponding t o t h e
illuminated lamp to switch pins
LBAD-D-33163, symbol SW3.
for switch location If continuity
is obtained on COM1 but not
NC1, this indicates a defective
switch Care must be taken to
insure that the (+) lead of the
VOM IS connected to the
corresponding lead (1-45) This
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