![]() TM11-5895-932-14&P
3-1. General
a. Plant-in-Place Records. Plant-in-place records
are those engineering drawings, cable run lists,
The purpose of this chapter is to identify and
planning documents, etc., which show the site
responsibilities and
electronic equipment installation. These records also
procedures which will contribute to successful PTF
show planning for future changes and are essential
operation. While there are many aspects to
to site operation.
successful PTF operation, there are none more
(1) Plant-in-place records (sometimes called
important than those described in this chapter.
When PTF personnel become familiar with
"as-builts") are prepared by the engineering/in-
stallation agency. The plant-in-place records are
procedures in this chapter and with the circuits
of the PTF and its equipment, they will be con-
first developed as part of the engineering plan done
prior to the construction update of a com-
t r i b u t i n g t o t h e successful PTF operation.
munication station. After the work on the com-
Information contained herein will aid operating
munication station is completed, the plant-in-place
personnel and bring out the importance of
maintaining accurate maintenance data. It also
records must be updated to document the in-
stallation and become the basis of any new ad-
points out many items which could be overlooked
by maintenance personnel. This information should
ditions or future station planning.
(2) Plant-in-place records are also used by
especially be read and studied by new personnel to
operation and maintenance (0 and M) personnel as
familiarize themselves with proper station
maintenance data. This is because plant-in-place
operating procedures.
records show all circuit and wiring connections
made in the telecommunications station. Corrected
The basic duties of PTF personnel is to maintain
copies of the original drawings must be retained at
communication. Maintaining communications can
the telecommunication site and used as a guide in
be further broken down to restoration of failure
troubleshooting and fault location.
and maintaining circuit quality. Both of these
(3) Prior to site construction, errors can
functions require a knowledge of the circuit status
appear in the plant-in-place records as they are
at all times. The basic requirements can be further
being produced. These errors should become ob-
divided into individual duties below:
vious during the installation process as equipment
a. Perform quality control checks and tests on
is installed and connected. Usually the mistakes
circuits and equipment in the PTF.
can be corrected during the electrical testing of the
b. Provide assistance to the ASCs and remote
site. Corrections to the plant-in-place records are
terminals in the checking of circuits.
made on prints (by installation personnel) and sent
c. Substitute e q u i p m e n t o r c h a n n e l s f o r
to the engineer/installation agency for correction of
maintenance purposes or to isolate circuit and
the originals. Corrected prints are returned to the
equipment faults.
telecommunication site for use in troubleshooting,
d. Answering fault alarms and restore com-
circuit and wiring tracing, etc. While the
corrections are made by the installation personnel,
e. Perform the required administration and
site O and M personnel have the responsibility to
insure that all corrections are indeed completely
f. Troubleshooting and repair of station
accurate and portray the equipment as installed.
(4) The importance of accurate and complete
g. Maintenance of records (para 3 -3).
plant-in-place records cannot be overemphasized.
They are needed by the communication engineering
agency to document the site equipment and cir-
Maintenance of records, as defined here, is to
cuits and to provide information for updating,
insure that all the PTF technical data (technical
modernizing or expanding the site at some future
manuals, plant-in-place records, circuit drawings,
date. Plant-in-place records are also used daily by
circuit and switch markings) is up to date and
the site personnel for circuit tracing and
complete. PTF records are divided into the
troubleshooting. If this circuit tracing or
following categories.
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