TM 11-5895-878-14&P
Trouble Symptom
Probable trouble
Check and corrective maintenance
c. Defective Major/Minor or Audible
Alarm panel.
d. Defective 6 vdc power supply.
d. Remove panel from rack and check for
+ and-6 vdc outputs from power supply.
Replace defective power supply.
No alarm (gnd) output with
a. Ground alarm signal not applied to Ma- a. Check for ground at CAU alarm signal
known alarm signal on TB1.
jor/Minor Alarm panel.
output at terminal 1 of TB2. If ground is.
present, check at assigned pin on Ma-
jor/Minor Alarm Panel. If ground is not
at Major/Minor Alarm Panel, check and
repair circuit wiring.
b. Defective Major/Minor Alarm Panel.
b. If ground is found on the circuit input
pin, check the Major/Minor Alarm Panel
circuit (para 2-14).
c. Defective diode CB21 through CB40.
d. Defective relay K2.
d. Remove relay K2 and substitute a
known good relay. Replace a defective
e. Defective resistor R4.
e. Disconnect power from panel and check
resistance of R4. Replace and open
resistor or one that has a high
f. Defective transistor Q2.
f. With power disconnected, remove relay
K2 from its socket. Check transistor Q2
with ohmmeter. Replace defective
No alarm (gnd) output with
Same as item 2 above, with trouble in Q1 Same as item 2 above. Check for ground
known alarm signal on TB3.
circuit components and exterior circuit.
at CCU alarm signal output at terminal
5 of TB2. Check diodes CR1 through
CR20, relay K1, resistor R2 and
transistor Q1.
A CAU or CCU alarm sounds
Defective transistor Q1 or Q2.
Check for shorted transistor. Replace
with no alarm signal applied
defective transistor.
to TB1 or TB3.
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