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TM 11-5895-878-14&P
1-8. Facility Components
with a push-button switch for unlocking the door is below
The P&T components are listed in paragraph 1-13 by
the monitors. There are five TWINAX wide band patch
major assemblies.
The test equipment listed and
panels in the bay. The remainder of the bay is used to
discussed through this manual may be changed as
mount test equipment.  Bay 1.9 is a TDS-2 Station
required by the P&T mission or due to the availability of
Clock Bay.
new equipment. The list includes all permanently wired
f. Black Digital Patch Bays (figs. 1-4 through 1-7).
components and the number of plug-in items that may
Bays 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.19, 1.20, and
be mounted in associated shelves.
1.21 are the black digital patch bays. Each bay has a i
15 vdc meter mounted in a panel at the top. There are
1-9. General Description of P&T
six universal digital patch panels and a INT panel with
a. The Patch and Test facilities of the TCF was
48 lamps in each bay. The bottom bay 1.11 mounts the
installed in accordance with Lexington-Blue Grass Army
black -48 vdc power system; consisting of two 48 vdc
Depot drawing list DL-54260. The equipment is housed
power supplies, an alarm panel, and a fused power
in two different rooms.  All of the P&T components
distribution panel. Bays 1.12 and 1.19 each contain an
(except the quality assurance (QA) equipment) are
order-wire panel.  Bays 1.13 and 1.15 have writing
located in TCF, room 5A910 (fig. FO-1).  There are
shelves with AN/FGG-80 teletypewriter sets mounted on
three  bays  of  QA  equipment  in  the  Electronic
the shelves. One 24 vdc power supply is in bay 1.16
Maintenance Room (para 1-12).
with a second unit in bay 1.17. Bay 1.16 contains the 24
vdc meter panel, alarm panel and fused power
b. As shown in figure FO- 1, the P&T of the TCF
distribution panel. Bay 1.17 also contains the black 6
consists of two rows of equipment bays, a red cable
vdc power system; consisting of two power supplies
vault, and red and black ground and power distribution
(with alarms), meter panel, and fused power distribution
boxes. In addition the room contains Crypto equipment,
Bay  1.21  includes  the  black  indicating
modems, voice frequency carrier telegraph (VFCT)
equipment; consisting of a MAJOR/MINOR alarm panel,
equipment, etc. Equipment rows No. 1 and No. 2 are
audible  alarm  panel  and  two  crypto  ancillary
described in paragraphs 1-10 and 1-11.
unit/common control unit (CAU/CCU) alarm panels.
1-10. Description of Equipment Row No. 1
g. Black Digital Test Bays (figs. 1-5 and 1-6). Bays
1.14 and 1.18 are the black digital test bays. The bays
a. General. Equipment row No. 1 contains 21 bays
are similar in configuration. Each bay contains a 150
of P&T equipment and four bays of DCL/MOLINK
vdc meter panel, a 601 Data Transmission Test Set,
equipment. Bays 1.22 through 1.24 (DCL/MOLINK) are
HP180BR  Oscilloscope  with  connection  panel,
covered in (C) PDEP 11-5895-832-14(2). Row No.1 is
AN/GGM-15 (V) Telegraph Test Set, INT panel with 48
called the black equipment row, because bays 1.1
lamps, and a writing shelf.
through 1.21 connect to unsecure or encrypted circuits.
b. Black VF and Digital IDF Bays. Bay 1.1 consists
1-11. Description of Equipment Row No. 2
of two intermediate distribution frame (IDF) bays. Bay
a. General. Equipment row No. 2 contains 20 bays
1.10 consists of three IDF bays. Each bay contains a
of equipment and four bays of IDF patch cord cross
front door to allow access to a patch cord type cross
connect matrixes (fig. FO- 1). The four IDF bays are all
connect matrix. The IDF's are similar and discussed in
numbered 2.21 and described in chapter 2. Row No. 2
is called the red equipment row, because the circuits
c. Black VF Patch Bays (figs. 1-2 and 1-3). Bays
may carry secure information in clear text. Bays 2.1
1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, and 1.7 are the VF patch bays. Each
through 2.20 are described in b through f below.
of these contains eight 2-wire audio patch panels and an
b. Special Intelligence Bay 2.1 (fig. 1-8). SI bay
interbay patch (INT) panel. Bay 1.2 has an R-390 radio
2.1 is isolated from the rest of the P&T facility. The bay
receiver in the bay below the patch panels. Bays 1.3
contains a color video monitor at the top with eight video
and 1.7 each have a 60-station voice order wire panel,
distribution amplifiers, and three 75 ohms patch panels.
that are furnished and maintained by the telephone
Between the monitor and amplifiers there are two
company. Bays 1.4 and 1.6 have dual speaker panels
universal dc patch panels (digital patch panels) and
and AM-911/FG audio frequency amplifiers mounted
three 2-wire audio patch panels (VF patch panels). The
below the patch panels.
bay also has its own IDF consisting of two rows of patch
d. Black VF Test Bay 1.5 (fig. 1-2).  This bay
cord cross connect matrixes.
contains various test equipment as shown in figure 1-2.
c. Red Digital Patch Bays (figs. 1-9 through 1-12).
There is a writing shelf with a miscellaneous (MISC) and
The red digital patch bays are 2.3 through 2.6, 2.8
INT panel above the shelf. In addition there are two test
through 2.11 and 2.13 through 2.16. Each of these bays
equipment connection panels. Test equipment without
has a 15 vdc meter mounted in a panel at the top of
rear test lead connectors are connected to the MISC
the bay.  Below the meter panel there are six digital
panel through the test equipment connection panels.
patch panels and a INT panel with 48 lamps. Bays 2.11,
e. Video Monitor and Station Clock Bays 1.8 and
1.9 (fig. 1-3). Bay 1.8 has two video monitors at the top,
used to monitor the TCF door and outside hall. A panel

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