TM 11-5895-878-14&P
capabilities, typical circuits in and through the TCF and
2-1. Introduction
the functions of equipment. Refer to DCS publications
to become familiar with other types of communication
a. Pentagon Telecommunications Center. The US
circuits and links.
Army Communications Command (USACC) Pentagon
Telecommunications Center (ITC) is a terminal station
that provides a transmission system interface with the
2-3. Intermediate Distribution Frames
Defense Communications Systems (DCS) for Army,
a. General. There are four IDF's in the P&T area.
Department of Defense, and other Government
They are an integral part of the technical control. As
agencies located at the Pentagon and surrounding areas
near Washington DC. The PTC provides various users
signaling input and output connections are terminated at
with high priority voice, data, and video service, most of
an IDF. In addition, the input and output signals of each
which is encrypted. The transmission media utilized are
patch panel and circuit line are also terminated at an
IDF. (Wide band circuits are not connected through
baseband radio, and commercial cable. In addition, a
large number of "in-house" cables are used to provide
b. Description. Each IDF (fig. 2-1) consists of a
connectivity for the user locations throughout the
matrix made up of rows of cross-connect panels. A
Pentagon building complex.
panel contains ten jack type patch modules (A through
b. Technical Control Facility. The Army Technical
H, and J and K). Each module (fig. 2-2) has six
Control Facility (TCF) at the Pentagon provides
multicolored rows of 26 jacks. The color of the jack
technical control over RED and BLACK-VF, DC,
rows at the front of the modules, from left to right are:
DIGITAL, and VIDEO circuits appearing at the TCF.
Red (A), white (B), blue (C), yellow (D), black (E), and
These are comprised of military-owned VRCT systems
orange (F). Each of the 156 jacks is connected to a pin
and leased DC and data circuits. The high speed data
on one of three associated connectors mounted on the
circuits are in the !400 to 50K BAUD range. The low
rear of the panel. The first 48 jacks on the module are
speed circuits are pre/dominantly secure circuits. Test
connected to pins 1 through 48 on connector J1.
and maintenance is also provided on Government-
Module jacks 49 through 96 are connected to pins 1
owned lines and circuits.
through 48 on connector J2. Module jacks 97 through
144 are connected to pins 1 through 48 on connector J3.
Module jacks 145 through 156 are also connected to
2-2. Patch and Test Facility
connectors J1, J2, and J3.
Four jacks to each
a. The P&T function includes the monitoring of
connector. The connectors are cabled to patch panels,
circuits and equipment within a station, as well as the
land lines, and equipment. Circuits are built by cross-
selection and application of station facilities and
connecting between the jacks of the circuit component
associated equipment, as needed to keep the station's
modules with cross-connect patch cords.
operating and standby communications links and circuits
at peak efficiency. The technical controller coordinates
changes in communications services at the station,
actually two bays. Each bay contains eight cross-
performs alternate routings, directs the correction of
connect panels (b above). Cable details (at the time of
malfunctions, restores service when outages occur, and
installation) are shown in figures 2-4 and 2-5.
coordinates link and station tests. The P&T facility
within the station encompasses these areas which are
consists of three bays of eight cross-connect panels (b
equipped with jacks, and test instruments to provide
above). Cable details (at the time of installation) are
access to the circuits for the purpose of performing
shown in figures 2-7, 2-8, and 2-9.
monitor, patch and test operations.
e. Red Digital and VF IDF, Bay 2.21. Bay 2.21
b. To efficiently perform the technical control
functions required to keep all communication links at
panels (b above).
Cable details (at the time of
their peak operating condition, all personnel must be
installation) are shown in figures 2-11 through 2-14.
thoroughly familiar with the station capabilities and the
functions of all /equipment in the station. In addition,
cross-connect panels (fig. 2-15) at the bottom of the S.I.
familiarization with circuit links of related technical
controls is required. This chapter discusses the station
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