![]() TM 11-5895-1179-13 EE132-EA-OMP-010/E106 KY883 TO 31S1-2GSC-161
Tools and Equipment
The tools required for organizational maintenance are contained in the Tool Kit, Electronic Equipment TK-100/G. The
repair parts required to accomplish organizational maintenance are listed in the repair parts and special tools list contained
in TM 11-5895-1179-23P * EE132-EA-PLO-010/E106 KY883 * TO 31S1-2GSC-164.
Touchup Painting
Clean all damaged surfaces of the equipment. Touch up the damaged paint on metal surfaces using final film E, semi-
gloss, light gray enamel (per FED-STD-595, Color Chip 26307) conforming to MIL-F-14072. For detailed cleaning and
refinishing practices, refer to TB 43-0118. For instructions on the care of painted equipment, refer to TM 43-0139.
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS)
a. To ensure that the encoder-decoder is always ready for operation, it must be inspected systematically so that
defects may be discovered and corrected before they result in serious damage or failure. The necessary organizational
preventive maintenance checks and services to be performed are listed and described in tables 4-1 and 4-2. The item
numbers indicate the sequence of minimum inspection requirements. Record all deficiencies together with the corrective
action taken (paragraph 1-3).
b. Organizational maintenance consists of isolation of faults to plug-in-circuit card assemblies Al through A4, fuse
F1, or connectors; and replacement of plug-in-circuit card assemblies Al through A4, fuse Fl, mode select switch knobs,
and FUNCTION select switch knob.
Troubleshooting at the organizational level is based on the self-test functions which are designed to detect a faulty
indicator or a fault in any one of the four plug-in-circuit card assemblies (refer to paragraph 2-6). Power supply plug-in-
circuit card assembly faults are detected by on-line test circuits. When-an ON LINE FAULT INDICATOR, (other than
POWER SUPPLY) illuminates, the off-line self-test is to be initiated. This test isolates faults to one of the-other three plug-
in-circuit card assemblies. At the organizational level the four plug-in-circuit card assemblies and the fuse may be
replaced. Symptoms are shown in the troubleshooting chart (table 4-3). If the checks and corrective actions do not correct
the fault, notify direct support maintenance.
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