TM 11-5895-1123-34
which hold the communications/TTY/FSK patch panel
This procedure can be used for all rear
(TTY/FSK panel) to the rack.
mounted multipin connectors in any unit
c. Extend the TTYIFSK panel forward in the rack to
providing the unit is first removed from
the rack as per the appropriate removal
allow access to the five cable connectors on the rear
frame of the unit.
d. Tag and disconnect the five cables.
(1) Unscrew the hexagon locking nut holding
the defective connector to the rear panel.
e. Continue to pull forward on the unit until it is
(2) Remove the connector from the rear of the
completely removed from the rack.
Maintenance of Communication TTY/FSK
(3) Grasp the connector by the main body and
Patch Panel SM-A-935888
unscrew the knurled retaining ring on the wire entrance
a. Removal and Replacement of Jack Sets.
side of the connector.
(4) Slide the retaining ring back from the
Jack sets should only be handled by the
connector along the wires.
main body.
(5) Carefully pry out the plastic collar from in
(1) Remove the communication TTY/FSK
side the connector.
patch panel as outlined in paragraph 3-5 above.
(2) Remove the two flathead Phillips screws
When removing the soft rubber
from the center of the patch panel to loosen the cable
insulating wire separator in the next
support bar on the rear.
step, use extreme care not to damage it.
(3) Remove the two screws holding the jack
If it is damaged, each wire must be
set to the rear of the panel.
threaded through its proper hole on a
(4) Pull rearward on the jack set until the tubes
replacement unit.
clear the sleeves on the face of the patch panel.
(6) Using extreme care, slowly work the soft
(5) Twist the jack set outward from the rear of
rubber insulating wire separator back along the wires
the patch panel.
until adequate clearance is obtained to remove the wires
(6) Tag the wires on the rear terminal
from their pins.
connectors of the jack set.
(7) Tag the wires and remove them from the
(7) If the wires on the rear terminal connectors
connector pins.
are wire wrapped, cut the wires as close as possible to
(8) Using good soldering practices, solder the
the terminal connectors. If the wires are soldered,
wires to the pin on the replacement connector.
unsolder them.
(8) Prepare the wires for soldering and using
Once again extreme care must be taken
replacement jack set.
as not to damage the soft rubber
(9) Twist the replacement jack set inward and
insulating wire separator when
insert the jack tubes into the sleeves on the rear of the
performing the next step.
front panel.
(9) Using extreme care, slowly work the soft
(10) Insert and tighten the two mounting screws
rubber insulating wire separator back along the wires
to the rear of the patch panel to secure the jack set in
until it is seated in place in the connector.
(10) Slide the plastic collar back along the wires
(11) Insert and tighten the two screws through
into the connector.
the holes in the center of the front panel and secure the
(11) Slide the knurled retaining ring back along
cable support bar into place.
the wire and screw it into the connector.
(12) Replace the communication TTY/FSK
(12) Insert the connector back into the frame,
patch panel back into the rack as outlined in paragraph
and secure it by screwing on the hexagonal locking nut.
3-7 below.
Replacement of Communications TTY/FSK
(13) Insert and tighten the two screws through
Patch Panel SM-A-935888
the holes in the center of the front panel and secure the
cable support bar back into place.
b. Replacement of Rear Multipin Connectors.
If the transmission test set is not
removed from the rack, perform the
procedure in paragraph 3-4 above.
a. Connect the five cables to the connectors on the
If pins are bent, straighten them. If they
rear frame of the patch panel.
are broken or otherwise defective,
replace the connector as outlined below.
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