![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
H17K, row 1, pins 3 and 4 to the DF unit transmit out-
Building Circuits
put (line side) terminated at bay 4.1 on block TB3, row
, actions necessary to change a circuit
1 pins C and D by cross-connecting block H17K, row 1,
pins 3 and 4 to block V9F, row 1, pins 3 and 4
respectively and at bay 4.1, TB3, row 1 pins C and D to
(1) Patch around the in-house portion of the exist-
ing circuit, or terminate the circuit legs on the line side
TB9, row 1, pins C and D respectively.
(3) Connect the SF unit receive output (Drop) side
of the patch panels with 600-ohm terminating plugs.
(2) Remove from the universal conditioning
terminated at bay 4.1 on TB3, row 1, pins H and J to
equipment shelf the modules of the string to be
the amplifier (Al) input terminated at bay 4.1 on TB3,
row 2, pins A and B by cross-connecting TB3, row 1,
(3) Remove cross-connects and rewire the IDF in
pins H and J to TB3, row 2, pins A and B respectively.
(4) Connect the SF unit transmit input (Drop) side
the conditioning equipment bay to form the desired
terminated on TB3, row 1, pins A and B to the Pad
(4) Change cross-connections on the voice fre-
(P2) output terminated on TB3, row 3, pins H and 9 by
cross-connecting TB3, row 1 pins A and B to TB3, row
quency, combined distribution frame (CDF) to obtain
the desired jack appearances and multiples, cable, or
3, pins H and J respectively.
(5) Connect the SF unit E&M leads terminated at
VFCT assignments necessary.
(5) Replace the conditioning modules.
bay 4.1 on TB3, row 1, pins K and L to the ringdown
(6) Perform the necessary in-house quality control
converter (RDC) E&M leads terminated at bay 4.1,
checks (refer to chapter 6).
TB3, row 1, pins K and L to TB3, row 6, pins K and L
(7) Remove patches or plugs installed in (1) above.
(8) Perform the necessary station-to-station tests
(6) Connect the amplifier (Al) output terminated
(refer to chapter 6).
at hay 4.1 on TB3, row 2, pins C and D to the pad (P1)
b. Generally, actions necessary to build a new cir-
input terminated at bay 4.1 on TB3, row 3, pins A and
cuit are:
B by cross-connecting at bay 4.1, TB3, row 2, pins C
(1) Form the desired conditioning equipment
and D to TB3, row 3, pins A and B respectively.
string by cross-connecting at the IDF above the bay.
(7) Connect the pad (P2) input terminated at hay
(2) Cross-connect at the VF CDF to connect the
4.1 on TB3, row 3, pins E and F to the amplifier (A2)
string to the desired patch panels (insert dummy plugs
output terminated at bay 4.1 on TB3, row 2, pins H
in all line jacks if the patch panels are already wired to
and J by cross-connecting at bay 4.1, TB3, row 3, pins
a multiplex or channel VFCT, or cable pair).
E and F to TB3, row 2, pins H and J respectively.
(3) Plug in all conditioning equipment modules.
(8) Connect the pad (P1) output terminated at hay
(4) Perform the necessary in-house quality control
4.1 on TB3, row 3, pins C and D to the echo suppressor
checks (refer to chapter 6).
receive input (line) terminated at bay 4.1 on TB3, row
(5) Cross-connect the patch panels to the appro-
4, pins E and F by cross-connecting at bay 4.1, TB3
priate multiplex or VFCT channel or cable pair at the
row 3, pins C and D to TB3, row 4, pins E and F respec-
VF CDF (or remove dummy plugs if previously wired).-
tively .
(6) Perform the necessary out-of-service station-
(9) Connect the amplifier (A2) input terminated at
to-station quality control tests (refer to chapter 6).
bay 4.1 on TB3, row 2, pins E and F to the echo sup-
pressor transmit output terminated at bay 4.1, TB3,
row 4, pins C and D by cross-connecting at bay 4.1 on
The sample process for building voice frequency cir-
TB3, row 2, pins E and F to row 4, pins C and D respec-
cuit configuration figure 4-14 is as follows:
tively .
a Voice Frequency Circuit Connections. Refer to
(10) Connect the echo suppressor receive output
the cut-sheet table 4-7 and figure 4-14 which illus-
terminated at bay 4.1 on TB3, row 4, pins H and J to
trate the following cross connection procedure.
the 2/4 wire terminating set receive input terminated
(1) Connect the Equ Out (Drop) side of the receive
at bay 4.1 on TB3, row 5, pins A and B by cross-con-
equal level patch panel circuit terminated on block
necting at bay 4.1, TB3, row 4, pins H and J to row 5,
H17J, row 1, pins 3 and 4 to the signaling frequency
pins A and B respectively.
(SF) unit receive input (line aide) terminated at bay 4.1
(11) Connect the echo suppressor transmit input
on block TB3, row 1 pins E and F by cross-connecting
terminated at bay 4.1 on TB3, row 4, pins A and B to
black H17J, row 1, pins 3 and 4 to block V9F, row 2,
the 2/4 wire terminating set transmit output mi-
pins 1 and 2 respectively and at bay 4.1, TB3, row 1,
nated at bay 4.1, on TB3, row 5, pins C and D by cross-
pins E and F to TB9, row 1, pins E and F respectively.
connecting at bay 4.1 on TB3, row 4, pins A and B to
(2) Connect the Equ In (Drop) side of the transmit
row 5, pins C and D respectively.
equal level patch panel circuit terminated on block
(12) Connect the 2/4 -wire terminating set's 2 wire
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