![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
wiring layout and the Technical Controller perform-
ders (TSO's)
ing the in-station tests to prevent errors in the circuit
The basic circuit design information for all new or
installation and to ensure that required technical
changed circuits is provided in the DCA Telecommun-
parameters have been met.
ications Service Orders (TSO's). The TSO is the author-
b. Upon completion of the in-station installation,
ization for DCA Headquarters of a DCA area to
the Technical Controller is responsible for ensuring
activate, change, or deactivate circuits or trunks, to
proper alignment of the in-station portion of the cir-
amend previously issued TSO's, and to effect ad-
cuit as well as the adjacent link(s). Continuity and
ministrative changes. The TSO gives the following in-
transmission level adjustments on the in-station
installation will be performed first. When the in-sta-
a. Issuing office.
tion portion of the circuit is properly installed and ad-
b. The year it is issued.
justed, the input and output levels on all external
c. TSO serial number.
transmission channels assigned to the circuit must he
d. Circuit identification.
adjusted to the proper value. Additional checks as re-
e. The sequential action being taken on the circuit.
quired to ensure proper functioning of conditioning
and signaling equipment will be made. When the
4-57. TCF Responsibilities
internal and external alignment and checks are com-
a. The many variations found in the configurations
plete, an overall recheck of the complete installation
of DCS Station Technical Control Facilities prevent
will be made. In the specific cases where a PTF is lo-
the development of precise procedures for the installa-
cated between the Technical Control Facility and the
tion, alignment, and testing of circuits which would
user, the TCF is responsible for ensuring that the
apply to all types of circuits and to every DCS Station.
transmission levels, signaling and conditioning of the
However, there are certain functional steps in activat-
circuit are properly adjusted between the user and the
ing circuits which are common to all stations. Upon re-
c. Each circuit installed in the DCS will be tested in
ceipt of a TSO, the following steps are necessary to
accordance with the criteria specified in the DCS Tech-
install, align, and test the circuit.
(1) Administrative processing and logging of
nical Schedule for the type of circuit in the TSO. Upon
receipt of the TSO.
notification from all intermediate TCF's that in-sta-
tion and adjacent segment tests are complete, the
(2) Preparation of the detailed in-station layout
Tech&al Control Facility designated as Circuit Con-
designating specific cross-connects and specific equip-
trol Office will initiate end-to-end tests of the circuit.
ment to be utilized as required by the TSO.
Each of the specific tests are required to ensure com-
(3) Preparation of work order, or instructions, to
pliance with the DCS circuit technical schedule
section(s) or personnel responsible for performing in-
parameters. Refer to applicable DCA documentation
station wiring.
to determine the DCS Technical Schedule and Circuit
(4) Performance of in-station wiring check by
Parameters for the circuit that has been installed.
Technical Control Facility personnel on in-station cir-
d. The Technical Control Facilities concerned will
cuitry and associated transmission links in conjunction
immediately notify the CCO or the ICO, when, for any
with adjacent TCF's.
reason, delays are encountered or anticipated in
(5) Notification to appropriate control offices that
activation of circuits. The notification will contain de
in-station and adjacent link tests are complete and
tailed information on reasons for delay or inability to
meet required criteria.
activate circuits. Pertinent recommendations on
(6) Performance of circuit alignment tests by TCF
methods of providing service should also be included.
personnel on in-station circuitry and associated trans-
This information may be used by the CCO in prepara-
mission links in conjunction with adjacent TCF.
tion of an exception report.
(7) Participation in end-to-end testing and di-
e. Deactivation of circuits will be accomplished
rected by the appropriate control office.
after coordination with all concerned and records will
(6) Administrative recording and reporting of
be retained in an inactive or "dead" file for 6 months
action required or completed in conjunction with the
before destruction or disposition in accordance with
installation. Managerial procedures for accomplishing
the above functions are left to the discretion of the
f. Completion of activation records and reports is
individual station. However, close coordination is im-
the responsibility of the Technical Controller.
portant between the section preparing the in-station
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