![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
(12) Perform the tests described in (1) through (3)
above at the equal level patch panel closest to the com-
plaining subscriber.
(13) If noise bursts are present, then the trouble is
located somewhere within the local TCF. The respon-
sible Technical Control Facility and local maintenance
personnel should be notified. Take action to clear the
with established procedures.
fault and report in accordance with established station
b. Noise Burst on a Local Subscriber Circuit. The
procedure followed is outlined in flow-chart fashion in
(14) If noise bursts are not present, request that
figure 4-8. The Technical Controller is notified by a
local maintenance check the transmit side of the cir-
connected subscriber that frequent noise bursts are
cuit towards the complaining subscriber for the pos-
being received. The local Technical Controller has
sible sources of trouble. Should the local station trans-
responsibility for coordinating fault isolation pro-
mit side be faulty, take action to have the trouble
cedures at distant station which may be involved; but,
cleared and consider what action must be taken, simi-
first if must be determined whether the local station is
lar to that outlined in (7) above.
at fault. An immediate decision must be made whether
(15) Notify the responsible TCF of the source of
to patch the affected circuit over to a spare channel
trouble, action taken and complete station records in
This decision is influenced by the priority of the circuit
accordance with established procedures.
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