![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
3-13. Typical
Digital Circuit
patch panel jack set to the receive pair of the user
(fig. FO-13)
(3) Patch cord No. 8, from jacks 3 and 4, row 2,
a. General. In this example of a black digital circuit,
module A, panel 1 to jacks 3 and 4, row 3, module A,
the Universal Digital Patch Panel jack sets are pro-
panel 2 connects the receive clock to the ring (R) lead
grammed with a group 4 module in the send circuit
of the patch panel jack set. The R lead is normal-
and a group 5 module in the receive circuit. Refer to
through wired to the R1 lead of the jack set and cabled
paragraph 3-156 and c for patch panel circuit details.
to jack 3, row 4, module A, panel 2 of the IDF. The
This circuit is cross-connected in IDF bay 1.10. The lo-
same patch cord also connects the receive clock return
cal equipment (EQUIP side of circuit) is cabled to mod-
to a common tie point and to jack 4, row 4, module A,
ule A of panel 6. The line equipment (LINE side of cir-
panel 2 of the IDF.
cuit) is cabled to module A of panel 1. The jack sets of
(4) Patch curd No. 11, from jacks 3 and 4, row 4,
the Universal Digital Patch Panel are cabled to module
module A, panel 2 to jacks 3 and 4, row 2, module A,
A of panel 2. Optional devices are not used, but con-
panel 6 completes the receive clock circuit to the local
nections that could be used are shown.
b. Send Circuit. To complete the send circuit, dual-
d. Red Digital Circuit. A red digital circuit is con-
plug, cross-connect patch cords are installed as fol-
nected in a similar manner and will not be discussed.
(1) Patch cord No. 4, from jacks 1 and 2, module
3-14. Universal Digital
A, panel 6 to jacks 1 and 2, row 2, module A, panel 2.
a. Description. The front
This connects the transmit data output of the user
tains 24 sets of four jacks with a switch and lamp that
equipment to pin 5 of patch panel connector C-l. This
is associated with each jack set. There are three rows
is the jack sets tip (T1) lead, which is normal-through
of identification (ID) card holders. The card holders al-
wired to pin 1 (tipT) of patch panel connector C-l. Pin
low the circuit and equipment connected to the circuit
1 of C-1 is cabled to jack 1 of row 1 in module A, panel
to easily be identified. The rear of each patch panel has
2. The transmit data return is also cross-connected
two connectors (Cl and C2), that are used to connect
with patch cord No. 4, and is connected to a common
the jack set circuits (through connectors J1 and J2) to
tie point.
the IDF. Below the connectors are 24 program mod-
(2) Patch cord No. 1, between jacks 1 and 2, row 1,
ules. Between the connectors and program boards
module A, panel 2 and pins 1 and 2, row 1, module A,
there is a jack set ID strip indicating the jack set asso-
panel 1 completea the transmit data and transmit data
ciated with each program board.
return to the line equipment.
b. Circuit Functions (fig. FO-15). Each jack set is
(3) Patch cord No. 5, from jacks 3 and 4, row 1,
connected (through a flexible printed circuit board) to
module A, panel 6 to jacks 3 and 4, row 2, module A,
a program board. The board is programmed by a pro-
panel 2 connects the transmit clock through the R1
gram module (containing jumpers) to set up an opera-
and R leads of the patch panel jack set, to jacks 3 and
tional circuit. The functions that may be performed by
4. row 1. module A. panel 2 of the IDF. The transmit
the circuits are given in (1) through (6) below. Two typ-
clock return is also connected to the common tie point
ical circuits for which modules are available are dis-
through patch cord No. 5.
cussed in paragraph 3-15.
(4) Patch cord No. 2, from jacks 3 and 4, row 1,
(1) Provides a normal through path for digital sig-
module A, panel 2 to jacks 3 and 4, row 1, module A,
nals when no patches are made.
panel 1 completes the transmit clock and transmit
(2) When patching in a replacement sending de-
clock return to the line equipment.
vice, the patching configuration will terminate the in-
c. Receive Circuit. To complete the receive circuit,
terrupted sending equipment in an impedance equal to
dual cross-connect patch cords are installed as follows:
the input impedance of the receiving device.
(1) Patch cord No. 7, from jacks 1 and 2, row 2,
(3) When patching in a replacement receiving de-
module A, panel 1 to jacks 1 and 2, row 3, module A,
vice the patching configuration will hold the interrupt
panel 2 connects the receive data line to the tip (T) lead
ed receiving equipment with a holding voltage or cur-
set. The T lead is nor-
rent equal to the mark voltage or current transmitted
1 lead of the patch pan-
by the sending device.
row 4, module A, panel
(4) The patch panel will perform the above func-
rd connects the receive
tions for all the following types of digital signals:
(a) Low level 6VDC send and receive.
(b) Low level 3VDC send and receive.
(c) High level polar or neutral send and receive.
(d) Low level receive with associated timing.
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