![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
cellaneous patch panel function as described in a and b
radio communication links. The interconnection dia-
above respectively. The jacks contain normal-through
gram of the receive panel is show in figure FO-4 and
the interconnection diagram of the transmit panel is
shown in figure FO-5. It can be seen that the wiring is
d. Interbay Trunking Systems. The Technical Con-
similar to that previously discussed with the exception
of the cut keys and lamps.
trol Facility-has a voice frequency trunking system
and a dc trunking system. The systems are designed to
(2) Receive Panel Cut Keys Functioning (fig.
allow sufficient trunking of circuits from one patch or
FO-4). When the cut key is operated to the down posi-
test bay in the vf or dc area to any other bay in that
tion, the indicator light is energized and the normal-
area. The vf and dc interbay trunking systems are not
through circuit is broken and terminated. The receive
interconnected and come together only at the intermit-
circuit from the LINE side of the panel is terminated
tent test stations.
through a 5.6K ohm loop resistor to ground. The tip
(1) Voice Frequency Interbay Trunking System.
lead of the circuit toward the Technical Control Facil-
The interbay trunking capability in the vf area is pro-
ity equipment is connected to hold battery. The corre-
vided by interbay patch panels which are mounted in
sponding ring lead is connected to an S lead and output
the bottom of every vf patch and test bay. The panel
via connector C1. This S lead provides a through path
has two rows of 24 jacks per row for a total of 48 inter-
for any timing circuits which are present when the cut
bay trunk appearances per bay. The front view of the
key is operated. Contact No. 5 energizes the lamp and
panel resembles that shown in figure 2-21, however
output -48 vdc through the L lead to connector C2.
the interconnection diagram is that shown in figure
The L lead provides the capability of energizing
2-23. Terminal blocks Cl and C2 of each panel are
remote lamp to indicate that the circuit is cut.
cabled to the vf cdf where the panels are cross-connect-
(3) Transmit Panel Cut Key Functioning (fig.
ed to form a series interbay trunking system. The
FO-5). This cut key functions in a similar fashion as
cross-connecting is done in such a manner that the
that discussed (2) above, except the loop resistor is
same jack in each panel is assigned to the same patch
placed in the cut circuit on the EQUIP side of the
or test bay. As an example, Jack 2, Bow 2, of every
patch panel and the hold battery is placed on the LINE
panel provides a trunk to the same bay. This scheme is
shown in figure 2-24A. TCF personnel can alter the
2-37. Miscellaneous/Interbay Patch Pan-
pattern as desired to provide additional trunks be-
els and Trunking
tween heavy traffic bays or between bays and test sta-
tions. This system provides, generally, only one trunk
between any two voice frequency bays or test stations.
neous (MISC) patch panels are located in the patch and
However, the patch cord length usually allows the use
test bays to provide the flexibility required for test
of trunks on either side of the bay providing three
and monitoring operations. The jacks are wired and
trunks to any one bay by direct trunking.
cross-connected as desired by TCF personnel. Figure
(2) DC Interbay Trunking System. Interbay trunk-
miscellaneous panel with 10 lamps in a Technical Con-
ing capability in the dc area is provided by interbay
patch panels with 48 lamps mounted in the dc patch
trol Facility. Figure 2-27 provides the patch panel
and test bays. The panel has two rows of 24 jacks and
interconnection diagram and block terminations. The
two rows of 24 in-use lamps, as shown in figure 2-25.
patch panel provides such desirable jack arrangements
The panel interconnection diagram is shown in figure
and functions as 600 ohm loads, parallel jacks, line re-
versing (tip-to-ring, ring-to-tip), and -48 vdc power.
are interconnected at the dc cdf into a parallel config-
The -48 vdc power is supplied via jacks 1 of rows 1
uration (fig. 2-24B). Every pin on the block of one
and 2. These two jacks are engineered to avoid unsafe
or undesired jacking of the -48 vdc by designing the
interbay panel with 48 lamps IS jumpered to the corre-
jacks for use only with a special double pronged MISC
sponding pin on the blocks of every second panel (odd
panels form a parallel configuration and even panels
DC patch cord. Jack 1, row 1 is an undersized jack
which will accept only one prong of this patch cord.
form another parallel configuration). Each parallel
b. Interbay Patch Panels. Each patch and test bay
configuration has 48 trunks for a total of 96 trunks in
contains in interbay (INT) patch panel. Interbay
the dc area. The configurations are referred to as
parallel since an interbay trunk appears on the same
trunks are used to route circuits to other patch bays in
the Technical Control Facility. The various types of
jack of every second INT panel appearance. As an ex-
interbay trunks in the TCF are described below.
ample, Jack 1, Row 1 of one panel is in parallel with
Jack 1, Row 1 of the INT panel two bays away and so
located in dc patch and test bays, may be used to per-
on until all odd numbered and all even numbered bays
form either an interbay patch panel function or a mis-
are interconnected to form the two separate configura
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