![]() TM 11-5895-1012-10
spectrum. The output provides a signal to a circuit
speaker combinations. This allows two independent in-
under test for measure at the other end with a noise
puts and outputs. Both inputs are usually wired to
jacks in the miscellaneous patch panel of that particu-
measuring test set.
lar test bay. For monitoring purposes, either of these
d. Dual Channel Dc Amplifier Recorder. The dual
two inputs may be patched via interbay trunks to the
channel dc amplifier recorder is used for simultaneous
monitor (MON) jacks in the voice frequency patch
reading of two related variables then the variables
panel without degradation or interruption of circuit
need to be analyzed with respect to each other in time,
or when up to two variables need to be permanently re-
b. Teat Bay Alarm Panels. Alarm panels are usually
mounted at the top of each voice frequency and dc cir-
e. Transmission Measuring Test Set. The transmis-
cuit test bay in the Technical Control Facility. The
sion measuring test set is used to measure transmis-
panel contains one or more rows of lights for the pur-
sion line and system characteristics such as attenua-
pose of giving remote alarm indicates for selected
tion, frequency response, or gain. It contains a wide
equipment alarm circuits. The alarms circuit to be re-
range oscillator, a voltmeter, and a patch panel to
match both the oscillator and the voltmeter to the
moted are usually determined by the Technical Con-
trol Facility personnel.
various impedances found on the DCS (usually 135,
c. Noise Generator. The noise generator gives a flat
600 and 900 ohms).
response output signal over a wide range of the audio
f. Noise Measuring Test Set. The noise measuring
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